Prince Lointaine

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I finally accept it now

The stars didn't spell what I hoped

I lost my mind in the clouds

My heart just couldn't cope

I spent my time like money

Money I couldn't burn

You were never a prize

For me to earn


My prince lointaine

You were never what you seemed

I'm sorry for seeing you

Only in my dreams

You were the doorway to real life

You were my key to salvation

I didn't see your aching mind

Blind by my own ambitions

I saw a perfect prince

I didn't see a broken boy

Through hope and delusion

I treated you like a toy


I think of you, and I smell pale gold

I was doomed before I fell

These hopes and memories

They will not age well

Chorus x2

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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