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There are literally four chapters that suck ass and all ya'll keep reading this clearly discontinued story and then whining about it when you get to the chapter that officially states it. You people confuse me to no end.

Believe it or not, I get notified of every single one of these comments and it's starting to get irritating. I get that you're sad my shitty fanfic ended after only four horribly written chapters, but god damn. It says in the title that it's discontinued. Do I need to slap a huge DISCONTINUED on the cover as well? Should I just take down this stupid ass story?!

Why do you read it when you know it's discontinued and then proceed to whine at me about it?!

*sigh* I know not all of you who read the story despite its discontinuation do this, but the people that do are starting to get annoying. I know how sucky it is when an author takes down a story they don't like that you still like, so I'll leave it up for now. But I swear to fucking god, of you guys keep whining I'll just take the story down.

Sorry for being rude, I'm just kinda pissed right now.

Twins, But Not Really (Edward Elric X Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now