Hetalia Hosts

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Izzie: *walks around looking for a quiet place**finds an abandoned music room**turns nob to open as rose petals float out with blinding light *

???: Welcome

Izzie: what are you guys doing here?

America: Oh it's only a boy

Izzie: *looks down at clothes* wait what?

Prussia: what have you come for unawesome one?*walks toward her*

Izzie: I was just looking for a quiet place to read.*steps away awkwardly*

Canada:*whispers in her ear* you came to the wrong place for that.

Izzie: *falls back startled**Breaks a tea set that was on the table*

America:we were gonna feature that at a museum

Canada: it was worth alot of money .

Izzie: I'm sorry I'll pay you back

Japan: do you have $50,000

Izzie: WHAT?!?! Who the he'll spends that much on a freaking tea set?

Japan: you can just pay it off by becoming a ho-

Izzie: Oh hell no *turns and leaves *

~next day after school ~

*America and Canada drag izzie to music room 3 and ties her to a chair*

Izzie: the hell?

America:now you can-

Canada:either s-say you'll b-be a host and-

America: pay off the tea set or

America&Canada: we'll just keep you here

Izzie: *sighs* fine I'll be a stupid host.

Japan: good and if you try to run i'rr get my porice force on you.

Italy: Yay izzie-Chan is a host do you want some cake?

izzie: *growls *no!

Italy:*starts crying* Germany she's being mean!

Germany: yes I see. Have some sweets.


A/N I'm sorry I just ended it like that but if I didn't that would be the rest of the story ...if you couldn't tell here's who the characters were

Prussia: Tamaki

Canada & America: the Hitachiin twins

Italy: Honey

Germany: Mori

Japan: Kyoya

Izzie: let's just say She was izzie.

Thank you everyone who reads. Supports. Or comments on this story I greatly appreciate it because I didn't think I should do this story at all I hope everyone enjoys it!

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