Chapter Six

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When Klaus and Elijah were gone, you sat in silence, a sense of loneliness consuming you. Pulling yourself from the bed, you walk over the dresser that contained your clothing. You quickly get dressed, suddenly feeling lightheaded. Your body swoons but you steady yourself against the dresser. Looking your hand, you see your skin turning a dull gray color, "Oh god.." you breathe out feeling tears well up in your eyes. You weren't exactly one to cry, but the moment seemed to merit the action. On the desk you notice a sheets of papers and thought to yourself 'So much to say, but so little time.'

Sitting down at the desk, you begin to write your farewell letter to Klaus, doing your best to remain composed at your tears stained the paper. You must have been writing for what seemed like hours because when you finished, the desiccation had worked itself up to your elbow, making it completely useless. Your breath quickens, you had to get out of there maybe go home. Klaus finding you dead on his bed or something was the last thing you wanted, you didn't want him to look at his room and be continuously reminded of that very moment. Perhaps he wouldn't even do that, he was a man of many colors.

Deciding not to spend another moment there, you consider speeding off to your apartment but change your mind, this time you were going to take everything in, it was your last day after all. It was apparent to see why the French Quarter was often times called the Crowned Jewel, the area was filled with so much life, so many flavors and exotic feelings. The entire world around you was like a timeless portrait, especially now with the sun beginning to set over to buildings, illuminating the butter-creme color of the St. Louis Cathedral. Thirty minutes later, your were standing in front of your apartment door, it was becoming more difficult to more as your body started to become stiff.

You barely made it to your couch before your legs gave out, by now, only head down to your right were unaffected, you left out a dejected laugh. Reaching the best your could to the side table, you grab your phone, complementing calling Klaus but sadly, you just didn't have the energy for that. Instead, you sent him a simple nine-letter text. "I'm so sorry, please don't hate me too long."  the last part seem necessary, you knew he would hate you, how could he not when you didn't even utter a single word, when you pretended everything was okay? You did hope though, that one day he would understand why you didn't. Your phone falls from your hand as  you start to loose feeling in it. Slowly, your breathing became low and shallow, and you watch frighteningly as the rest of your body begins to desiccate. The last thing you heard, just seconds before you slipped into absolute darkness, was Klaus screaming your name at the top of his lungs.

2 hours later

The moment Klaus received that mysterious text from you, he began to worry and when you didn't answer, he dropped what he was doing and sped home searching the entire compound fanatically before making it over to your apartment. He smashed open your front door, and oh, when he saw the image of you sitting on your couch, the color from your skin slowly disappearing, he panicked, screaming your name trying so hard to break past the boundary spell. When he was finally able to, it was too late, you were gone.

He didn't want to be bothered by anyone, though everyone in the compound tried to comfort him. The only person he saw was Hope and all he did was give her a strong hug before sulking back to his room. Anger began to fill every fiber of his being as he began to thrash and flip over everything that belonged to him. He was about to flip the desk when he noticed an envelope with his name scrawled on top, he could recognize your handwriting anywhere. Furrowing his brow, he snatched the letter up and opened it, being careful not to rip the pages. So many different emotion flood through him as he read your letter, so many questions.


I'm trying not to lose my head, as I've never been this afraid before. Instead, I think I'll just lay myself to sleep and forget everything that I've done. I'm so sorry if I'm causing your pain or anger. If you are angry at me, that's okay, I understand because truth be told you have every right to be so. The last few hours of my life, I could have done anything but instead, all I wanted was to spend it with you, take the time cherished your face as drip further down into oblivion.

You must understand, I kept this little secret from you because, knowing who you are as a person, you would have not accepted it, damn all the odds. I love that the most about you, how ferociously loyal and brave you are. I'm sorry I never told you this when I was alive.

I did not lie to you last night, Niklaus. For I truly am, even now, afraid to lose you, terrified that someone will whisk you away before I have a chance to protest, and last night is one that I'll carry with me, every last scent and taste until I am absolutely nothing but a distant memory. This is something that I would have never admitted to you in person but, I adore you. I do hope you do not find this confession pathetic, then again, this entire letter is just short of that.

You must be wondering how this happened, demanding answers. It's pathetic really, the enemies I've made finally came for me and after so many thoughts of me remaining by your side, by Hope's and everyone else's for centuries to come, I've met my end because of  a little blood that know runs it's course through my body, deeming me immobile. I must ask that you do not seek revenge, as I already took that task upon myself. If my pleads should mean anything to you, this is my last request, allow me to be taken out of this world  with some shred of divinity that I am trying so hard to hold on to as I feel myself becoming nothing. Do not fret over this too long, your beautiful daughter needs you there to watch as she grows into the strong and magnificent woman that you and I both know she will be. I am saddened that I will not be there to witness it, but perhaps if you believe it, I will remain next to you in spirit or whatever comforting thoughts we tend to offer others.

I am not afraid of this, Klaus, please know that.  Despite everything that is happening, maybe in time you can let things go, become the bigger and better man that I know without a shred of doubt that you can. Walking away does not signify defeat, and as you used to say, some things warrant necessary mercies. Maybe one day you'll wake up and I'll be home with you again.

I know you hate this part but this is how our story ends. At least, for now my love. Perhaps we shall meet again some day and I pray to whatever God there is, that you'll accept me into your loving embrace that I had the pleasure of knowing. Be still and know that I am with you, if darkness should fall upon you, listen closely and you will hear me calling your name.

Truly yours,


You were right, of course. Klaus was angry and hurt and confused. Why would you not come to him? He breathe in deeply trying to calm himself down because all he wanted to do was murder people. In a way, this felt like  déjà vu   when Cami died, except he was used as bait for you. How ridiculous. He looked around his demolished room, frowning slightly at the sight. Even if the two of you hadn't known each other so intimately, he believed that he still would carry a heavy weight in his heart. You meant so much to him, even if he didn't always show it.

One week later

Your body was currently laying inside a casket, dressed in a simple black lace dress and in a way, you looked at peace. Klaus could appreciate that but it did not change the fact that he was still angered that you were gone. However, he knew, in time, perhaps he could forgive you, after all time is supposed to heal all wounds, right? Many days, the pain would feel too real and he feared that it would never be erased. He reminisced the years that you had spent together, though short, they were definitely filled with enough tragedy,  anger, laughter, and love to last three lifetimes.

Klaus decided to have you placed in your very own crypt which he had Freya bind with multiple protection, no harm would come to you, ever. He wasn't able to protect you while you were alive and that was a regret he would carried for a long time. It was the least he could do, considering the fact that he would never hear your voice or smell your sweet perfume again.

Or so he thought.

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