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The obnoxious sound of my ring tone pulled me from my laptop screen. Note to self: change that ring tone! It was a message from Sam:

'Coffee Cup. 10 minutes. Don't be late' Charming, besides my unpunctual nature has always been something which is being joked about by Sam. I text back: 

'It's either late and looking almost human or early and Halloween come early' Today it wasn't to bad, my shift at the Coffee Cup starts in half an hour. I grab my bag, say bye to Josh and walk to the Coffee Cup. 

Sam and I both work shifts at the Coffee Cup at weekends.It was kind of a way of funding all of our out goings. I pull into the door as the bell rings from above. It seems rather quiet today, Sam stands behind the counter, with a green apron wrapped around his side, rushing from the coffee machine and the sandwiches. 'Morning Lily' says a voice to my left. I turn, it was Maddy. Maddy the daughter of the owner, Elizabeth, who worked here most days. 'Morning Maddy' I say politely.  

I walk to the counter and on closer look I see beads of sweat rolling down Sam's face. 'Sam! Why in the world are sweating uncontrollably?' His eyes widen and he shots in finger to his lips. 

'Shhhhhh' he pulls me behind the counter and we duck behind it. His blue eyes peer over the counter. 

'What is your problem? You're acting like a mad man' I whisper. He finishes calculating the room perhaps thinking that the coast is clear.  He turns his slowly to me and breathes deeply. 'You know Emily from Biology?' he breathes. Think ... Emily ... Emily ... Emily. 'Oh yes, small, pretty. Emily Williams? Aren't you two lap partners?' 

'Yeah, well she is sitting right over there and I was trying my play it cool but everywhere is sweating' he says frustratingly. He wipes his palm on his khaki shorts. 'I have three lattes to make and I can't move without turning into a human waterfall' He attempts to pick up a mug from the shelf and it slips to the floor with a smash. We both jump. 'Quick pass me your apron' I say and he throws his sweaty apron at my face. I pull it around myself as quickly as possible. I jump up to see all the eyes in the coffee shop on my including Emily's who I know see on the sofa with a book in her lap. 'I am so sorry, well at least it's ground coffee now' I laugh nervously. Sam kicks my ankle and mouths 'worst pun ever'.

Emily smiles lightly and places her book and coffee on the table then walking towards me. I kick Sam trying to warn him. 'Hello Lily, I didn't realise you worked here' Emily voices is quiet. Her red hair is pulled messily into a ponytail. She wears glasses which make her eyes look bigger. 'Oh hello Emily! Yeah I work here on the weekends. Usually with Sam however he has seemed to escape from the coffee machine'. I  grab a water bottle of water from the side and take a sip using the opportunity to glance towards the floor as I see Sam once more drying his hands. Emily smiled to herself and look at me uneasily 'Are you and Sam a ... you know... a thing?'  

The water in my mouth threatened to escape. I laugh uncontrollably 'Sam and me? Oh no! We're like brother and sister, the thought makes me physically, mental and psychologically repulsed'. That recieved another kick from Sam. Emily flused in the cheeks which made her hair look even redder. I can see movement from the corner of my eye. 'He is a really sweet boy however we're just so close ... I mean you two ,thinking about it, are so similar' I say trying to save myself. I'm helping the situation her cheeks are going redder. 

'Good morning all!' a familiar voices calls behind me, carrying a new load of sandwiches on serving plate. Sam places the dish on the counter next to me and smiles widely. 'Hey Lily-pad, can you help me out I have three Latte on order and I'm slightly overworked' he says. He flashes a nervous smiles towards Emily. 

'Yeah of course, I think Emily is about to take another order actually' I wink in his direction. This concluded in the final kick, this time however missing my foot and hitting the wooden shelf.  They continue to talk even after the three Latte's being made.

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