Part 6

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(( SLIGHT smut but nothing too big yet))
    The next morning Hoseok woke up to Yoongi wrapped around him, he was so pale, he looked just like an angel in the sunlight. Hoseok didn't want to wake Yoongi up but he also didn't want to stay there. His heart was beating insanely fast, he couldn't control it. He tried to lift Yoongi up and put him back on the but he woke up.
    "...Hoseok...?" He yawned. His voice scratchy, but still soft. "What are you doing?" Yoongi was in Hoseok's arms, right about to go on the bed. 
    "I'm just setting you down on the bed, I woke up and you were around me, I guess you fell off the bed or something." Yoongi's face instantly turned red. He quickly stood up, hopping out of Hoseok's arms.
"Yeah... hahaha I guess that's what happened, hahaha" Yoongi started making his way to the bathroom. "WELP! Gotta go wash up, y'know?" When he got to the bathroom he shut the door and locked the door. He looked at himself in the mirror for a while then started getting into the shower.
Meanwhile Hoseok started making breakfast, they were omelets with bacon and pretty much anything you could think of.
"HOSEOK!" Yoongi called from the bathroom. Hoseok almost instantly ran over to the bathroom.
"Yeah Yoongi?" He said through the door. Yoongi was really embarrassed to be saying this but he had to.
"Um.... I don't have anymore clean clothes. And I forgot a towel." Yoongi's face was burning up, even if you couldn't see it because of the hot shower water.  Hoseok face palmed.
"Okay, I'll bring you a towel and shirt" Hoseok ran off, and came back with a towel, some boxers and a large shirt. "Here you go." Hoseok said with his eyes closed, handing Yoongi the items.
"Thanks.." Hoseok walked back to the kitchen as Yoongi got dressed.
Yoongi came out and felt instantly embarrassed, Hoseok was staring at him like he was the only person he's ever seen. The shirt yoongi was wearing was a VERY oversized white tee, they covered the boxers he was wearing so it looked like he was just in the shirt, or that's what it would look like if the shirt wasn't almost completely see-through.
"Uh... Hoseok...? Can I maybe get a different shirt? This one is kinda... er... See-through.." Hoseok smirked, then hit Yoongi on the head with his spatula.
"I do all this work for you and you ask for a different shirt? Geez what to do with you?" Hoseok quickly gave him a loving smile to let Yoongi know he was just kidding. "Now go sit down, I slaved over the stove all morning to make you the best breakfast ever." Yoongi sat down and bit into the egg omelet and his eyes lit up.
"WHOA! How'd you make this taste so good?!" Yoongi kept eating it, shoving a lot into his mouth and chewing slowly.
"I don't know... I guess i've just always known how to cook" Yoongi swallowed all the food he had in his mouth and began to speak.
"Cool... Think you could teach me?"
"You don't need that information." Hoseok said, still happily and bubbly as he brung up the dishes to the sink. Yoongi gave him a confused.
"Why?" He said standing up going ny Hoseok.
"Because," Hoseok said turning around to face him. "I'll always be here to cook for you" He booped Yoongi's nose.
Hoseok made his way to the couch, he sat down and turned on the T.V. He slapped his hand down on the couch to have Yoongi come sit by him. Yoongi sat where Hoseok told him to and they started watching some weird T.V. show. After about an hour and a Half Hoseok fell asleep. His head was on Yoongi's shoulder, but Yoongi was scared that he was uncomfortable so Yoongi put a pillow on his lap and had Hoseok lay his head there. Yoongi finally got to admire Hoseok's face. He was so beautiful. Yoongi started playing with his hair and caressing his face.
"Beautiful.." He whispered. The light hit his face perfectly. Yoongi completely forgot what kind of environment they were in, he leaned in and kissed Hoseok's forehead. "I'll make you mine, one day..." Yoongi continued to play with Hoseok's hair, until he heard a loud bang on Hoseok's door. Yoongi jumped, waking Hoseok, if the loud knock didn't already wake him up.
"What was that? Are you okay Yoongi?" Hoseok said, sitting up in a panic.
"Yeah... I just heard a long knock on the door... I don't know it is though" The banging continued.
"OPEN UP! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE NAMJOON!" Hoseok grabbed Yoongi and pulled him on the floor beside the couch.
"Yoongi, do not say a word, go to the back closet by the bathroom, stay there. No matter what, no matter what you hear do. Not. Come. Out." Hoseok was firm when he spoke. "I promise i'll get you when this is resolved" Hoseok flashed his smile and kissed Yoongi's lips tenderly. Yoongi was shocked, all his did was touch his lips, amazed that Hoseok did that. "Now go" He finished.
"I'LL COUNT TO THREE AND YOU BETTER BE OUT HERE, I SWEAR TO GOD KIM NAMJOON" Once Yoongi was in the closet Hoseok opened the door.
"I'm sorry, Joonie isn't here right now. Come back later. Or don't" Hoseok finished with a smile, almost like he was treating this like a game. The guy got closer, he was buff, a lot buffer than Hoseok, but Hoseok wasn't scared.
"I can smell him you faggot." He said, he pushed Hoseok aside and started looking around, he got closer to the master bedroom and bathroom, he was close to the closet. Yoongi froze up, not breathing at all. Hoseok went into the bathroom and started to look for something. Meanwhile, the guy was getting closer and closer to the closest until he grabbed the handle. Yoongi would be hyperventilating if he wasn't trying to not breathe. The door opened. Yoongi was terrified. His eyes got small, he was petrified. The man grabbed his neck, holding him up the air.
"HOSEOK!" Yoongi choked out. The man squeezed his neck harder. Hoseok started looking harder for whatever he was looking for.
"What a pretty face... such pale skin... I wonder if the boss would like it." He slammed Yoongi on the ground. "Or maybe he'd like it better covered in black and blue." Yoongi was out of hope. He couldn't even scream for help, the man got closer until he was holding Yoongi's hands above his head. The man put his hands up Yoongi's shirt.
"HELP! HOSEOK!" Yoongi was crying, his eyes closed. Suddenly the grip losend. Yoongi opened his tear filled eyes only to be greeted by blood, he quickly backed up.
"I'm so sorry that happened Yoongi" Yoongi was still crying. Hoseok ran over to him and hugged him. Yoongi was now crying on his shoulder.
"I thought... I thought you weren't going to save me.." Hoseok hugged him tighter.
"I'll always be here to save you... no matter what..." Yoongi let go of the embrace. He wiped away his tears.
"Now what..?" He pointed to the dead body. Hoseok stood up, giving out his hand to Yoongi, who hesitantly took it.
"We can talk about that after you get cleaned up." Hoseok started a bath for Yoongi. "Get in, and I'll be back." Yoongi nodded.
Hoseok walked out, putting on gloves, and a mask, he started cleaning up all the blood. He grabbed a tarpe and put the body on top of it. This wasn't Hoseok's first time cleaning up dead bodies, so he kinda knew what he was doing.
"I'm done Hoseok..." Yoongi said quietly. Hoseok went into the bathroom, and picked Yoongi up bridal style, he carried him to his bed and laid him down.
"Stay here." Hoseok walked out and returned without his mask and gloves. "Yoongi..." He caressed Yoongi's face and smiled in pain.
"Why did it take you so long to get to me..? You were right there..." Yoongi didn't make eye contact , he just looked at the floor, his eyes were glossy.
"Yoongi, I was looking for a syringe with tranquilizer... I didn't want to kill him, but he was going to hurt you more, and when he started touching you I knew I couldn't keep looking for it." He hugged Yoongi. "Please understand" Yoongi was still cold, but softer.
"I think I'm crazy... I just saw you kill someone but..." He paused. "... I still just want to kiss you..." Hoseok looked at Yoongi, amazed he said that. "I mean... Like i'm not even phased by the fact there's a dead body in your hallway." Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's arm and pulled him into the hallway.
"Pick up that side of the tarpe." Hoseok and Yoongi picked up opposite sides of the tarpe. "Follow me" Hoseok said leading to the back door where there was a staircase, they went down the stairs until Hoseok got them to what looked like a furnace. "Now put him in here." Yoongi and Hoseok both put the body into the furnace. "Okay thank you... You can go upstairs and put on whatever you want, I still need to clean up a bit more." Yoongi ran up the stairs, tightening his towel around his waist. Hoseok went up the stairs after, he got all the clothes that had blood on them, the weapon and the gloves and mask. He headed down the stairs and started the furnace.
At the same time Yoongi was digging through Hoseok's closet until he saw a... skirt..? It was a pastel pink skirt, he looked farther and found a patel lavender shirt, white thigh highs and lacy panties. Yoongi wasn't a cross dresser, but he thought Hoseok might compliment him if he wore them, and he'd have an opportunity to ask him why he had these. He put them on and sat on the bed, his knees tucked under him. He looked as pretty as a girl. He heard Hoseok come up the stairs.
"Yoongi?" Hoseok said opening the door. Once he laid his eyes on Yoongi his face flushed redder than the blood stains on his walls.
"Hobi....?" Hoseok motioned closer to Yoongi until their noses were nearly touching.
"Does what you said earlier... about that kiss, does that still apply?" Hoseok looked at Yoongi up and down. Yoongi nodded his head, within moments Hoseok was assaulting Yoongi with his tongue. Little moans escaped Yoongi's mouth as the kiss got deeper and more intense.
"Ho- Hoseok" Yoongi whimpered. Hoseok started making his way down Yoongi's neck and chest. He planted hickeys all over him. Yoongi was a moaning mess, he grabbed Hoseok's hair and pushed him closer. Hoseok took the hint and starting biting harder. He got to Yoongi's belly button and started pulling down his skirt. He took the skirt off and just stared.
"Wow... You're..." Hoseok took in the beautiful sight of Yoongi looking helpless under him. "...Beautiful..." Hoseok went down to kiss Yoongi again. This time it was just a gentle kiss, no tongue or nothing. Just a peck.
"Hoseok...?" Yoongi said, his voice shaky and ruff. Hoseok looked at him with nothing but a smile on his face and lust in his eyes. "Can we... stop...? It's not that I don't like it or anything, but I want our- my first time to be special." Hoseok's smile turned tender, he completely understood.
"Of course, I hope you enjoyed what you had." He hugged Yoongi and got him a different pair of pants.
{time skip}
It was 9:30PM and Hoseok and Yoongi were getting ready for bed. Yoongi was on Hoseok's bed and Hoseok was in the shower. Once Hoseok got out of the shower he made his little makeshift bed on the floor. Yoongi really wasn't used to being treated like this, he felt so bad making Hoseok sleep on the floor in HIS house.
"Hoseok..." Yoongi said avoiding eye contact. "You can come sleep on the bed, next to me... If you want..." Yoongi realized how thirsty that sounded. "I mean I could always sleep on the floor or the couch, I mean if you don't want to sleep next to me that's fine too hahaha.." He added in a panic. Hoseok was already in bed before he could even stop panicking. Yoongi let out a light laugh then laid down to fall asleep.
"Are you still awake..?'' Hoseok asked quietly to not wake Yoongi up if he was sleeping.
"Um... Okay... well goodnight..." Hoseok felt the awkward air spireling through the room. He turned away from Yoongi to let him be.
"Um.. Hoseok...?" Yoongi fidgeted with his hands. "Would... you... um, cuddle me..?" Yoongi clenched his fists waiting for rejection only to be greeted by warm hands and a soft soul. They fell asleep, in the embrace of one another. Feeling nothing but whole.

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