Part 8

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Yoongi woke up in the middle of the night, he saw Hoseok sleeping soundly by him, he smiled but that smile soon faded when he realized their conversation. Yoongi stepped out of bed and put on some normal clothes and one of Hoseok's sweaters. He looked over at the clock, it was 4AM. Yoongi sighed, he walked to the door and let himself out. He walked down the street to a nearby park. He sat down and looked at the sky with a wandering mind.
"I don't even fucking care.... at all" He lied. He had fallen for the boy in a matter of days, he thought about running away but he'd have nowhere to go. He laughed, he's back to where he started. Plotting an escape plan. Yoongi went to a club down the street, even though he was underage he still tried to go in.
"Hey-" a guard by the front door said bUt was quickly stopped by a ruff Yoongi.
"Don't." He said coldly, coldly enough for the guard to let him in. Yoongi walked in and sat at the bar.
"Give me your strongest drink" He said, Yoongi didn't know how he'd react to alcohol but he just wanted to forget everything.
A few shots and 3 beers later Yoongi was on the dance floor dancing with someone until they started making out.
Hoseok woke up. To an empty bed. He wasn't worried at first, only startled, he thought Yoongi was in the bathroom or in the kitchen. After checking both places Hoseok started getting worried, things that someone had kidnapped Yoongi. He hurried to get his shoes on and noticed that Yoongi's shoes weren't, Hoseok then thought that He had ran away. Hoseok continued getting ready and ran out the door, he walked all over the city until he got to a club. He didn't think Yoongi would be in there considering he was underage but Hoseok had a feeling he was. He showed the guard his fake ID and got in.
"Hey baby~ let's take this to another room" Yoongi was too out of it to say yes or no to the strange man he had been making out with and planting hickeys on. The man pulled his wrist guiding him to the "guest" rooms. Yoongi and the stranger were in the room, he threw Yoongi down on the bed and started taking off his pants, Yoongi just wanted to be fucked senseless until he couldn't think of anyone else. Once the man got to his underwear the door opened. The man quickly tried to shoo away the person who opened the door, he was greeted by a punch to the gut.
"Sorry to ruin the fun but the boy over there belongs to me. I'll be taking him now" Hoseok went over to Yoongi and picked him up bridal style. The guy tried to stop Hoseok but he just got kicked in the stomach.
Hoseok walks out of the club still carrying Yoongi in his arms.
"Wanna tell me what you were doing at a nightclub?! Or even what you were doing leaving the house without telling me?!" Hoseok wasn't yelling but he was very stern. Yoongi was quiet. "If you're not going to answer me I'll put you down and leave you here all night. Yoongi still stayed quiet. Hoseok's threats didn't work so he tried a different approach. Hoseok set Yoongi down on a park bench and sat next to him. "Yoongi, if anything's wrong tell me. We're not leaving until you answer. Now, why did you leave?" Yoongi took a deep breath and after a few seconds he began to speak.
"I just needed to think about things and clear my mind..." Yoongi wasn't lying but it wasn't the full truth either. He made sure to not look into Hoseok's eyes, or he'd probably break down.
"So... I find you almost having sex with a random guy? What if he had and STD or something? What if he hurt you? What were you trying to 'clear your mind' about?" Yoongi thought about what to say but ended up saying nothing again. Hoseok grabbed his chin again, but not sweet and gentle, it was firm and fast. Hoseok forced Yoongi to look him in the eyes. "What is wrong?" Yoongi tsked and pulled away from his touch.
"I'm fine! It doesn't even matter." Yoongi stood up. "Just leave me alone and go hangout with some old girlfriend or something." Yoongi started walking away, with each step he took it felt like chains of guilt and jealousy got heavier. Yoongi got about 10 feet away before Hoseok started laughing.
"So this is what it's all about?" Yoongi stood there confused. "....You're jealous aren't you?"  Yoongi's face turned red and he took a defensive stance. He balled his hands into fists and smiled like how the evil anime characters do.
"Why would I be jealous? You're a fucking psycho. I'd be too scared to date you. I only go along with your kisses and cuddles because i'm scared you'll kill me too! Hell you probably killed your ex"  Yoongi instantly regretted what he said and he saw the light in Hoseok's eyes vanish. Goddammit yoongi he said to himself. There you go again ruining things. "...wait Hose-" Yoongi stepped closer to Hoseok, he held out his hand trying to apologize. Hoseok immediately pushed his hand away and faked a smile with small tears that stuck out in the moonlight. Yoongi's heart shattered.
"It's okay, I'd be scared of me too. Well... I think we should go home." Yoongi pulled on the back of Hoseok's shirt.
"Hoseok, I'm really sorry I don't know why I said th-" Hoseok cut him off again, turned around and smiled.
"Yoongi... I said it's okay. I'll find you your own place so you won't need to be scared anymore. Yoongi's heart felt like a tsunami, overwhelming with feelings like the ocean water. It all just came crashing down making everything shatter. He looked at Hoseok's eyes and saw nothing but beauty. Broken beauty. Yoongi was shaking he just wanted to scream but he didn't want to make the situation even more complicated. Yoongi planned out that he was going to explain everything once they got home.
Hoseok opened the door and went straight to his room threw out a blanket- supposedly for Yoongi, then shut and locked his door. It all happened in a matter of seconds, Yoongi was starting to get scared again, he thought about knocking on the door to say sorry again but Yoongi thought it would be better for Hoseok to cool down a little. He grabbed the blanket and started falling asleep. Meanwhile Hoseok broke down into quiet sobs as soon as he locked his door.
"You dumb bitch Hoseok! Why why whywhwhywhywhywhy did you tell him?!" Hoseok Stood up and starting walking around while gripping his hair. His tears stopped for a split second before falling on his bed and breaking down. He stayed like that sobbing into his hands, sobbing so much he could barely breathe. He took a few deep breaths then opened up his nightstand to find a gun. He picked it up and held it in his right hand

Should I make the next chapter the last one?
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