Chapter 4 Arrival

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*Now this is where things get interesting (mwahahaha). I dunno maybe it's just me x

Hope you like it as I know the development of the storyline is a bit slow :P



The soft and calming breeze took my joy of returning home to a whole new level. I took my suit case up the three shallow steps leading to the front door, and left it on the door mat.

Leof was behind me, his suit case still in his hand; being six years stronger than I was. It made me wonder how strong I would be at twenty six although I did not really want to think about it as it would mean for me to be older.

The door creaked open; it was the only time that I was happy to have to hear that awful sound every time I would walk through our front door.

"Leof!" my father greeted us...well him.

"Cornelius!" he soon realised, that despite standing in front of my brother that I was there too.

In all honesty, I should have been pleased to have seen my father but he only reminded me how he favoured Leof over me, always did and always will - even though he desperately tried to hide it but failing miserably.

Another thing which slightly annoyed me was why could he not call me "Nelius" like the rest of our family and all my old friends.

No, he insists on calling me by my christened name and using it all the time except for when he calls me "Boy" or "Child".

But Leof, well he always gets called "Son" or "Man" by our father.

However, I cannot really blame him as Leof was his first child and I am his second son. The one who he learned to love.

"So...have you been well?" my head shot up at my fathers' voice. I nodded, although it was Leof who answered first; "I would imagine so" he said politely, trying to avoid my small incident where I took a rather nasty turn on the way home. I felt overly pleased with him - as I did not want father to know about it either; it would be endless questions and a doctor's visit. Not that the questions themselves would anger me but the fact that I would not be able to answer them. Not that anybody could really; it would take a great deal of knowledge to recall just exactly what had happened.

"Yourself, Sir?" I asked him, not because I was concerned of him but because I had run out of things to think about and entertain myself with. He smiled; however, regaining any dignity lost by my calling him "Sir" and not as any son would call their father.

"Yes Cornelius" he beckoned us inside the house, rather than just talking with us in the doorway, "I am fine".

I half-smiled to myself and with that he led both Leof and I through the massive hallway, which I recognised instantly when the homely smell of roast dinner and flowers filled the room.

There were these beautiful windows all along the dinning room and in almost every downstairs...and upstairs hallway. They were floor to ceiling in length and screamed out character with their spotless mahogany frames and smooth glass surfaces. I always loved the way that they went up into an arch just before they reached the ceiling.

"Ah. I see you cleaned the windows on our arrival" Leof guessed, obviously finding the same enormous amount of interest in the same fascinating objects as I did.

"Well...not exactly" father answered, not turning around to face us as we carried on walking to the far end of the dining room. I shook my head, I desperately wanted to laugh; not only at how my father guiltily denied it but how Leof had made the most stupid of all stupid mistakes that a moron could think of.

"Now then" our father took his usual seat at the over-sized, rectangular dining table. For no longer than a second, he looked as if he were about to begin a conversation but then his eyes crossed over Leof and myself; a slightly confused expression pasted across his face. "Sit" he directed over to the chairs seated nearest by.

I stifled a laugh, "Thank you" my eyes slid over to Leof, him also taking a seat in one of the many dark wood, red fabric chairs.

He waited until we were both seated, before taking in a deep breath; "I would like to hear all about what you both have done and how our family friends are. But first, I myself also would take great pleasure in informing you of what has taken place here as well".

I tried to roll my eyes, being very discrete. His love for his own life was beginning to enrage me. He carried on, however regardless; "So your mother and I went down to that furniture fair thing, as we usually do. Then on the walk home we met up with our old friends, the Clartones, I have not seen them in such a long while you know..." while he continued to speak of what had taken place over the past four days, that of which I really had not interest in, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, a figure in the background cleaning the windows. My fathers' words trailed off in my head as I looked closer at the young girl, who I had never seen before.

She looked fairly tall, well a little taller than five feet and five inches perhaps. And she wore a brown, sleeveless dress - the hemline ending just below her knee. I could see that she also wore a long sleeved, white blouse (much like the one I had on at this very moment) underneath her dress and had on low healed, black, round-toe shoes.

What really caught my attention however, was her beautiful hair, much like Selvia's; brunette and shining like silk, in the rays of the sunlight through the window. Her locks came to below her shoulders and I was almost certain they were only to be naturally curly or wavy - I did not know which - probably both!

I laughed to myself at how a persons hair, who I had never even met before, had I got myself thinking so much.

"Cornelius?" My head shook, eyes scanning over the room, "Cornelius!" I nodded. My father looked extraordinarily cross; "Have you been listening to me, boy?" he demanded.

I squeezed my eyes shut, "I am ever so sorry Sir." I shook my head again, "It has been a long journey. Please father, may I go for a walk or lie down?"

He gulped, "In a minute boy!" his tone made me jump at its beheld volume. I took a quick glance over to the young girl for the second time; she was now dusting the mantle piece with a worn, dirty yellow cloth.

"Ah" my father eyes lit up as they followed my gaze, "I need to show you... Well - just before you leave. While you were both away; Leof Cornelius, I have found us a new house worker" he explained.

He shuffled around in his chair and waved her over to him; "Glyera!" he called. Her head spun around to us, "Yes Sir!" she answered - running to his side. Father smiled to us;

"Leof, Cornelius. I would like it very much for you to meet Amelie." He cleared his throat, "Miss Amelie..." he continued, "And these are my sons. Leof is the blond; very tall. Cornelius is browner or darker blond haired; a little smaller." He introduced us.

I beat Leof to saying "Hello" first; it left me smiling at my un-recorded triumph, "Hello, nice to meet you" I held out my hand in front of me. Amelie slowly raised her own hand to the same level as mine, sudden rushes of blood clotted up my arteries while my heart thumped against my chest. The nervousness was making my own hand shake before I had even actually shaken her hand. I finally made myself force my hand over to hers and shake it, however the touch of when my finger tips brushed against her delicate palm made the veins twist under my skin and I felt my heart, banging inside my chest, stop beating for the slightest of seconds. Immediately I let go of her hand before I could experience anything else.

I drew back and watched with slight jealousy as she did the same with Leof, his gesture far more smooth and pleasant than mine.

It did, however, make me wonder.

I had never had trouble before, in my life in fact, with meeting new people or women about my age; not to mention shaking ones hand. But this was getting increasingly strange by the moment, I found my hands barely able to carry my suit case up the stairs to my room as I walked across the upstairs hallway and tried desperately to remember which was the door to my own bedroom.

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