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You furrowed your brows as the more closer he closed his eyes, the more his face became visible, as a human. Without any crusty slits of scales, without any blood stain on them. His face was looking more and more of a human. He was handsome.

You tapped lightly on his cheeks to wake him up but he didn't respond. His cheeks felt frosty and reserved as his breathing seemed at a halt. You were too busy intaking his prefect human features that you didn't realise he was leaving you. His eyes closed and his breathing hitched.

You felt his body size decrease in front of your eyes and transforming from the devious monster he was to a perfect handsome human he became.

It was a magical scene and to make sure this wasn't any hoax, you turned back many times. It was only you, your monster and the forest alone. The metal bar that was once inside his body, was removed by you, once you regained the courage to do so.

Warm, crimson red blood oozed out of his wounded area and instantly healed. You quickly propped him up on your lap and waited.

You touched the face of the perfect man on your lap, he inhaled, but his eyes never opened. You waited and hoped that wasn't his last breath. You leaned onto his pale face and whispered softly in his ears, hoping he would listen.

"Minseok." You called calmly, pulling back to see any response, he was still. "I love you, if you really are Minseok cursed by birth into the monster I once loved, I still love you even if you aren't that monster. Please wakeup. For me, Jaeri."

You returned back and watched him for any response. Nothing. You didn't want to leave him, you didn't want to lose hope, you wanted him so much that you wanted him to wake up even if you saw him dead pale.

For some time or two, he didn't respond. He was gone, you thought. You pursed your lips and squeezed your eyes letting the excess tears fall.

Hugging his lifeless head to your chest, you sobbed even more until the sun dipped below the mountain until you couldn't see the forest no more. Darkness absorbed your emotions and the monster which you once knew.

"What do I do know?" You cried as you kept your warm hands on his warm forehead. Warm... his forehead was warm, never was it cold anymore, you yelped in hope and smiled unconsciously.

Indeed was his body temperature regulating as his body was shifting from the enormous beast he was to a small yet mighty human body figure. "Minseok!?" You cried again, his breathing hitched and he coughed holding his neck.

"I'm here, shhh. It's okay." You cooed as he shot his eyes open, revealing the cool blue of iris. He stared at you with his head on your lap, you stared back in awe, despite your orientation.

He got up sitting on his knees as he examined his body. Now you were able to see him up close in person as a handsome human being. From his dark long lashes, his small nose, his exquisite monolid eyes, to his fair milky complexion.

You admired how he touched his face to his feet, making sure this was no dream. "Am I truly back to human form?" He questioned in glee. You nodded happily in excitement. "Jaeri, thank you." You returned him a perplexing look.

"What for?" He smiled and took you by your hand, standing you back on your feet. "My true loves tears, freed me from yesterday's curse." You didn't understand why he said yesterday. "I'm sorry Minseok?" He chuckled shyly.

"Without you, I would have still been the caged monster, because of your love, your tears and most of all your promise, you have given me a new life and I wish to spend it with you and no one else my love.

Thank you for setting me free and accepting me for who I was, I'm sorry for dragging you in the darkness with me and hurting you, I hope now that I am no longer a monster in the people's eye and most importantly yours, they will accept me and most of all accept us as one.

So Jaeri, my love, will you accept my love for you and marry me to open our love as a family, to create and cherish as one? I know I may have nothing, but I promise you I will work hard my love."

You teared upon his heartfelt words, you nodded vigorously accepting his love for you and embraced the longed warmth you needed. "Yes I will Minseok! I don't care about what you have or not! All I want is your love."

You both reunited in a lovingly, passionate warm kiss. "I love you Jaeri, I'll never dare to hurt you from now on." He presses his soft warm forehead on yours as he looks into your eyes.

"I love you too Minseok, and I never will forget that you, my monster will ever do anything to hurt me. Thanking you for entering my life." You both smiled lovingly as you both continued your beautiful kiss.

Creating a relationship that all will look up to, pass down the story of the beautiful princess, who disobeyed her father and kept a monster as her friend, developing a positive stride and ending the relationship in utmost harmony.

He was once a monster, now he is a human, will you judge someone by their looks? Or will you see the personality in them? She was the girl who saw greatest In him and it was true love.

.Love all; True love; True Tears."My Love.""My Monster."

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