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Jimin's P.O.V.

We lay here for a while, holding each other like no one else exists. We don't speak or move. We only enjoy this moment that we have together, before it's ruined.
      "Yoongs, Jimin, breakfast is ready!" Tae yells in our ears and jumps on the bed causing both me, and Yoongi to fall off.
I guess it's sort of a Stockholm syndrome-type thing, but I'm starting to get comfortable around Tae and Hoseok. Not as much Namjoon, though. We were about to stand up, but Hoseok throws some clothes at us and I fall back to the ground. Yoongi offers me his hand, I grab it and he pulls me up. "You guys should probably change your clothes. At least once in your life."
Yoongi unfolds the clothes and eyeballs them. "Hoseok, where did you get my clothes from?" Tae quickly leaves the room and shuts the door, taking Hoseok with him.
"These are your clothes?" I ask him.
"Yeah, is there a problem?"
"N-no... they're nice." I reply, looking at the floor. I head to the bathroom to change and lock the door behind me.
      I look at myself in the mirror. Yoongi's clothes are a little big on me, but not excessively. When I open the door, Yoongi is sitting in the bed looking at his nails, waiting for me.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

My clothes fit me kind of loose. I must've gotten smaller. I look up and see Jimin standing in from of me. My clothes are a little loose on him too.
      "Were you waiting for me?" I hear him ask.
      "Of course," I reply and smile. I don't think I've smiled this much in my entire life. What are you doing to me, Park Jimin.
      I stand up and wrap one of my arms around Jimin's shoulder. "Yah! What are you doing?" He asks as he shakes my arm off.
      "Just showing my boyfriend some love~" I don't know where I got this sudden confidence from, but I'm not complaining. It's fun to mess with Jiminie.
      "Since When was I your b-" before he finishes his sentence, I walk out of the room and shut the door in his face. I walk to the kitchen. I see Namjoon cooking something on the stove. I sit across from Tae.
      "Are you and Jimin getting along well?" Tae asks, raising an eyebrow.  "Yes... what do you mean? Why?"
      "Oh it's just that you two were kind of close when I walked in. I hope I didn't interrupt anything," he winked.
      "Fuck You Tae."
Jimin slowly walks in the room. There's an empty seat next to me, but he doesn't sit there. He sits next to Tae. I want to say something, but Hoseok beats me to it.
"Jimin, why don't you sit next to your boyfriend," he says from the hall. I give Hoseok a death stare, as does Jiminie.

"Do we have any work to do?" I ask, hoping that we don't.
"No, not today," Namjoon replies.
       Somehow, before the end of breakfast, Jimin ends up seated next to me.  I notice that he's staring at me as I eat. I set down my chopsticks and turn to face him. "Is something wrong?" I say, with an irritated tone. He shakes his head and turns back to his own food.

Jimin's P.O.V.

      He looks so cute when he eats.
When I finish eating, I head back to my room. I'm not tired, but I lay down, regardless. There's nothing to do here. I miss my life, I wish we could just leave. I wonder if my mother has called, if she noticed I was missing. I really want to talk to her. At least see her.
Yoongi walks in, interrupting my thoughts. "Do you not know how to use a TV, Jiminie?" He hands me the remote. "You first press this button," he points to the power button.
I stop him. "I know how to use a TV. I just didn't know that it would work."
"Oh, well, it does. Tae just told me." I nod while looking through channels on the TV. He ends up taking the remote from me and turns on a k-drama.
After a couple hours, Yoongi falls asleep in a sitting position, with his hand supporting his head. He looks so peaceful. What could he be dreaming about?
I wake him up after some time so that he can still sleep later. He looks up at me with a sad, worried face. "J-jiminie, I was lonely..." Tears begin to form in his eyes. "I was so scared. Please never leave me, Jiminie, please."
It was weird to see him in this vulnerable state, and it saddened me. I pulled him into a tight hug and he began to cry on my shoulder. "I won't leave you. I promise."

Jiminie Cricket and Min YoonGay. My OTP ship. Lololo RunaTheDino

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