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Jimin's P.O.V.

    "Hey Jimin. What're you doing here?" Jin asks me. "I came to buy a cinnamon roll, of course."
"Oh, okay, I'll have Kookie get that for you."
"There's no rush," I reply and Jin heads to the back of the store.
      "So, Jiminie, are you just going to stay here all day?"
      I nod. "I can jut pretend I'm working on something on my computer like how everyone else does."
      Yoongi laughs. "Hey, don't laugh!"
      He kisses my cheek and walks into a room that says 'employees only' and says, "See you later Mochi."
      The whole day, I play games on my computer with the brightness low and eat my cinnamon roll. I steal occasional glances at Yoongi and he smiles.
      "You really Love him, don't you?"
      I nod. I didn't even notice Jin was sitting in front of me until now.
      "Are you planning on telling him about Jungkook?"
      "Yeah, I was going to tell him yesterday but I never got around to it. Besides, it's not that big of a deal."
      "If you hide it too long, Yoongi might start to think that you have feelings for Jungkook. Trust me, I know both of you well. It would be better to tell him sooner than later."
      I shrug. Jin gets up from his seat and walks off to talk to other costumers, asking things like 'are you enjoying your food.'
Jungkook only took my first kiss and tried to force me to be gay for him. It's not like he killed my dad, or something severe like that. I hope Yoongi doesn't hate him for it, though.
      After a while, Jin sets another cinnamon roll on my table. "It's free."
       I give him a smile and thank him.
       After work Yoongi and I start walking home. "Jiminie, you should probably go shopping tomorrow." I shrug. "Why don't we just go now?"
      "That's fine." He smiles. We change the direction we're walking in to go towards the grocery store. There's no footsteps behind us this time. We finally feel safe. 

      Yoongi grabs some breakfast and dinner foods. I grab a few snacks. We end up walking home with 2 bags of groceries on each of our arms. We still hear no footsteps, nor do we feel like we're being followed. Maybe they gave up?
      We're about two blocks away from the house when we hear footsteps again. "Shit." Yoongi whispers. We walk faster, but Yoongi gets pulled back by someone in a mask by his neck and drops the bags. "JIMIN RUN!" Yoongi yells to me. I shake my head and slowly back up. I look around at my surroundings. We're in a high end neighborhood. We're so close to home. We're also so close to the police station.
      The masked man pulls a gun and presses it against Yoongi's head. "Go Jimin, please. I don't want you to see this," Yoongi pleads, tears in his eyes. I shake my head again "I-I can't leave you Yoongi. I love y-you." I feel like crying.
      The man pushes the gun even harder against Yoongi's head, causing him to fall to his knees. He lifts the gun a little from his head, "I love you t-" and pulls the trigger.
     The man says, "I told you I would kill you if I could," before disappearing into the darkness.

One more chapter, hehe RunaTheDino pewpea

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