2- X

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My alarm clock goes off and I scream and fall face first off my bed. I groan and rub the back of my head. I grab my phone and shut off the alarm and head straight to the bathroom. I have to go shopping with my mom today so I decided to get up at 5:20 and treat today as if it's a school day. I have sleeping problems, so I was up anyways.

I grab my blue toothbrush and put it under the water and put toothpaste on it and then brush my teeth. I spit it out into the sink, put on my face cream shit, and then go to the bathroom. I walk downstairs and turn on the counter light. I go over to the snack cabinet and eat a fiber one bar for breakfast, then I get myself a glass of water and take my pills. These pills being Prilosec, anxiety, antidepressant, vitamin D, iron, and ADHD pills. Then I put my glass in the sink and rush back upstairs, turn off my ceiling fan, turn on my light, close my door, and hop back into bed, wrapping up in the covers.

I close my eyes and fall back asleep, wondering when I'll be woken up.


I hear a knock at my door and someone say, "Sam, get up. We're leaving in an hour."

I groan and roll out of bed. I pick up my phone and check the time. 8:00. "Shit, she's making me go with her at 9?" I grumble. Rather stay home all goddamn day.

I go over to my dresser and pull out light grey sweatpants and my beautiful Marilyn Manson shirt. It's nice and long and baggy on me. I love it. I put on my black and white converse and then I brush my messy ass hair. My hairbrush is also beautiful since it's a Marilyn Manson one. What? Told you I was a fan!

I put on my black tunic hat, my Marilyn Manson sweatshirt, and then I'm ready to go. I don't dress like a normal person would in the summer. Ya know, wearing short sleeves and shorts and flip flops and all that shit. I dress like this all the time! Plus, it hasn't been that hot recently, so I think I'll be fine, but my mom is making me buy summer clothes today. Motherfucker.

I grab my phone and rush downstairs. My mom is all out and ready to go. She has long brown hair, blue eyes like mine, no boobs at all (I make fun of her for that all the time, I know, I'm horrible) and an hourglass body, just like me. Though she's tall. Lucky bitch. Wish I was tall.

She turns around and smiles at me. Today she decided to wear a bright pink tank top and jean shorts that are just above her knee. She also has her hair in a ponytail. Thought she would dress a little more 'fancy'.

"You ready to go?" She asks.

I raise an eyebrow at her. "It's only 8:30."

"But we're supposed to leave at 9."

"Well, I was thinking we could pick up X."

I nod. "Yeah, let me see about that." I take it my phone and call her number.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hey Sam, what's up?" Yes, she's awake!

"Want to come shopping with me and my mom today?"

"Yeah, of course! When will you be here?"

"In like...ten minutes."

"Okay, let me just get dressed and brush my hair!"

"You never brush your hair."

"Fuck off." We both laugh and hang up.

I look over at my mom. "Yeah, she's comin'."

My mom smiles brightly. "Okay, let's go!"

We both go out into our garage, open the garage door, and get into her white car. She drives off to X's house, which is like five minutes down the road, but since her house is up on a long ass driveway that one could easily fall off on, my mom drives extra slow.

"Soooo..." Great, she's starting conversation. "Excited about your Marilyn Manson tickets?"

My face brightens up and I smile. "YES! YES I AM! I CANT WAIT!" I squeal with joy and start to shake in excitement a little bit.

She chuckles. "Okay, okay. Calm down."

I laugh and put in my new Marilyn Manson album, which is 'Mechanical Animals.' It came out last year and I just got it! I put in the CD and start to sing along to the lyrics.

"In the space the stars are no nearer
Just glitters like a morgue
And I dreamed I was a spaceman
Burned like a moth in a flame
And our world was so fucking gone

I'm not attached to your world
Nothing heals and nothing grows

Because it's a great big white world
And we are drained of our colors
We used to love ourselves
We used to love one another

All my stitches itch
My prescription's low
I wish you were queen
Just for today

In a world so white what else could I say?

And hell was so cold
All the vases are so broken
And the roses tear our hands all open
Mother Mary miscarry
But we pray just like insects
And the world is so ugly now

Because it's a great big white world
And we are drained of our colors
We used to love ourselves
We used to love one another

All my stitches itch
My prescription's low
I wish you were queen
Just for today

All my stitches itch
My prescription's low
I wish you were queen
Just for today

In a world so white what else could I say?

Because it's a great big white world
And we are drained of our colors
We used to love ourselves
We used to love one another

All my stitches itch
My prescription's low
I wish you were queen
Just for today

All my stitches itch
My prescription's low
I wish you were queen
Just for today

In a world so white what else could I say?"

By the time the song has finished, we get to X's house. I run out of my car to her front door and knock. Her mom opens it for me and smiles. "Come on in." I thank her and walk inside the house that I've known for 9 years.

X comes down, wearing tight jeans and a Cyndi Lauper shirt. Her hair is all poofy and shit since she's obsessed with the 80s. She holds her pink purse and walks over to me. She has long brown hair, tan skin, is thin but not as thin as me, a little shorter than me, and doesn't have black glasses like me. She wears these big light brown ones cause she thinks it's 'cool'. I'm like bitch, I have to wear glasses by force. You have good sight!

"Ready to go?" I ask.

She nods. "Yeah, let's go."

We start to turn around to leave when X's stupid year older brother comes downstairs. Last time I hanged out with him, he lit his shoe on fire, which was fucking hilarious. Until I took the lit shoe and threw it at the shed they used to have. We were all drunk, it was a fucking party, okay? Alcohol took over and smartness was gone.

He smiles at me- no, more like a smirk. He's the popular jock boy who's ugly as sin while I'm the ugly as sin unpopular girls. But he has a crush on me and my whole attitude is ew, no, I love Manson, so fuck off.

He leans up against the counter, trying to look charming, when really, he looks like a motherfucking idiot. "So, are you willing to go out with me yet?"

I give him a cold stare. "No."

He gives me a pouty face. "Why not?"

"Because I. Don't. Like. You. Now will you leave me the fuck alone?" I snap.

He throws his hands up in defeat. "Okay, okay, fine, Miss Manson." I blush at the fact he calls me that, not because I like him, but because me being married to Marilyn Manson would be a dream come true.

I roll my eyes. "Okay, bye." Me and X walk out of her house and get in the car.

My mom looks over at us. "Ready?"

We both nod. "Ready."

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