The Texas dream

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 "Walker i have the warrant you wanted". "thank you alex" said walker.(as jamie and angela walk in).so jamie first day as a texas ranger."hey miss angela i have been a cop before and i have been your partner" before said jamie."i know that jamie"but this is not new york this is the great state of texas.ready for your first texas job jamie.said sydney.yep said jamie.lets go.

Angila jamie go around back me and gage will go in the front. We got a runner sydney yelled angela thanks for the notice

As angela walked out with the guy in cuffs we rounded all the guys up from the bust.well how was bust 1 jamie as angela laughed seeing jamie struggle with the guy. Wonderful he said.

Walker took the guy to the cop car then jamie started to walk up to angela "what's wrong" he said in a kind voice it's gabby and matt i said they have not called me back and they said that lewi's dad wanted custody of lewi."What????? " why didn't you tell me better yet why didn't casey tell me "im going to call gabby, angela said

Angela's pov: "gabby it's me angela call me back" i left on her voicemail within 2 minutes she called me back hey ann (my nickname)she said "hey gab" (her nickname) i said "you ok i ask" "honestly not really" what happened i ask we had to give lewi back to his birth father oh my god gabby well, are you ok i ask calming my voice cause if you want i'll come to chicago you know that right "i know but with everything that is going on in your life right now i mean jamie is new on the job first day right..."yeah but..."no buts you're not coming i'll be ok i want to be there for you and matt just let me come gab my visit is long over due there anyway i can talk you out of it "not a chance gab"i say ill be there saturday.

Jamie's pov:

I walk up to angela and hug her u ready i ask,"um yeah" are you ok i ask "tell you in the car"i could tell something was up so to lighten the mood i pick her up and throw her over my shoulders "REAGAN IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" she was cut off by me starting to pretend to drop her "NO DON'T" i set her down in the front seat of the car close the door for her and get in the driver's you wanna talk about it i ask her "um well on saturday im going to chicago gabby needs me right now weather she wants to admit it or not" needs you? What happened i ask "its lewi his birth father took him back.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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