Chapter Four

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A/N: I'm updating! FINALLY. Sorry for the incredibly long wait! I just wanted to write some future chapters so that I'm prepared! I can't promise you that the next chapter will come quicker unfortunately, but I will try my hardest! It should be easier now that summer vacation has started. Anyways, the same rules apply as the last chapter! 5 votes and 5 comments are needed before I post Chapter Five!

Enjoy. :)

Chapter Four

                “Did you boys go to the hotel last night or sleep here?” I asked as we settled in on the bus; Niall in the kitchen area as usual, Zayn and Liam on the couch, and Harry and Louis snuggled up at the table. I sat across from the lovebirds and smirked at their behavior while I waited for an answer from anyone of the boys.

                “We went to the hotel,” Liam replied as he scrolled through channels on the television above my head using the remote. I nodded, licked my lips and then turned my head to see what he was going to choose to watch.

                “Okay, boys, here’s the plan for today,” my father came into the area, eyeing his phone as he went through what was scheduled without looking up, “In two hours, we’ve got a signing at the mall. Two hours after that we’re going for an interview for a radio station and an hour and a half after that, we’re going for an interview for a television show. Got it?”

                He finally glanced up and looked at everyone’s response; they all nodded dazedly without looking at him because they were hypnotised by another football match on the television. I rolled my eyes at their typical boy behavior and shrunk in my seat so that I could put my feet in their little white flats on the table as I scrolled through Twitter notifications. There were hundreds of mentions asking about Zayn’s health and I groaned quietly before deciding to just broadcast to the world that Zayn was fine, and typed, “No need to #PrayForZayn anymore! He’s out of the hospital! Details about shows will be at @onedirection’s website!”

                “Zayn,” I said and grinned up at him sarcastically, “You might want to go tell the world you’re alive.”

                He sat up like he had just remembered something and pulled his phone out of his butt pocket on his jeans, immediately typing on it furiously. I looked away, satisfied, and up at the TV although football never interested me. Bored, I looked over at Harry and Louis to see Louis slowly massaging Harry’s messy pile of dark curls on his head and half-grinned at their couple-like behavior. Over Louis’ head, I saw Niall in his position on the counter, a bag of crisps in his hand as he shoveled handfuls of salted potato crisps into his mouth with his eyes focused entirely on the action on the television. Liam was simply watching the football game while patting his thigh, a song obviously stuck in his head.

                “Guys,” I groaned, throwing my head back dramatically for emphasis, “This is so incredibly boring.”

                Liam’s eyes snapped from the television screen to me, his lips lifted in a warm half-smile as he suggested, “Why don’t you look out the window and entertain yourself?”

                I scowled at him for a moment before transferring to the famous ‘puppy dog’ look by sticking out my lower lip and looking at him up through my eyelashes. His expression did not falter, however, as he confidently returned my unwavering stare. After a few seconds of this, I finally accepted he was standing his ground and I had no chance of him changing to the channel, so I exasperatedly huffed and turned over in my seat, leaning my arms on the windowsill as the world passed by before my eyes.

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