19 I

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Despite being stuck in this comatose position for a long time I rarely felt uncomfortable, that was until today. All the muscles in my body began to ache and and were in desperate need of a  stretch. So I did, what i thought would help. I pretend stretched. I thought by pretending maybe i could get the urge to move to decrease.


I winced. Xander had always been the loud in the family. 

" What?! No, he ain't...wait. Nurse! He's moving!! Quick, call Hannah, she needs to be here"

I stand corrected, both my brothers, Xander and Xavier were the loud ones in the family... What were they even talking about? Who's moving? Hannah didn't just help my geek come out the closet...she also forced Xander and Xavier's to come out too. Were they watching another TV Show?

" Ben! Come to us, little bro...wake up. We know you can do it ", I heard Xander yell right next to my ear.

Wait. Were they talking to me? I'm moving? I am. Oh god. 

"Go towards the light, Benny...Towards the light", as you can also probably tell, Xavier was the dumb one in the family.

It wasn't long before I heard the slap against Xavier's head. Most likely, he was hit by Xander.

" You dumb, idiot...he needs to come toward us not the freakin light. Have you ever read or watched anything...Who asks for their loved one to actually go towards the light?!"

And thus, their never ending argument had began. After listening to them both scream for what seemed like forever but had been really only two minutes, i attempted to open my eyes. If i could move my body a little, I was sure i could open my eyes.

It took a few tries, before I willed myself to force my glued closed eyes to open.

I felt my eyes open to the bright, bleary light of the hospital room. The first few seconds hurt a lot and it already felt like I had a headache come on due to the brightness of the lights and the yelling of my brothers.

I groaned. Wincing, when I felt my head start pounding. My head pounded so much that I didn't notice the sudden quiet in the room. I rejoiced. I can move, i'm awake. I'm free again.I looked up. There before me, were the gobsmacked different coloured eyes of my brothers. I noticed that Xander had Xavier in a noogie position whilst Xavier was attempting to bite off Xander's arm. And as quick as I saw this sight for sore eyes, they both tackled me. Hugging me and laughing. 

" You're awake. Dude! Do you even know the amount stress and worry you caused us ? You douche. " 

"We missed you loads, little bro. Don't ever do anything like that again" 

They continued laughing and yelling over each other before realizing that I hadn't said a word in the process. It was Xander who immediately clicked on as he jumped off the bed pulling Xave off the bed with him.

" Hey, what gives?"

I looked at both my brothers with the most confused face I could pull. I had a role to play here. A role in which would give my Hannah back to me. 

I watched Xander take his hand through his blond locks before asking the question I knew he was dying to ask.

" Benny...You know who we are, right?"

I gulped. Ok, here we go. 

"....Benny?" I spoke in the most confused tone I could pull off.

Xander, immediately began swearing and rubbing his face, a nervous habit he's had since he was a kid.

I didn't feel guilty about lying until I looked into Xave's green eyes and found them filled with tears.

"Look, I'm sorry man...I-I don't..." I started. 

Xander came over and hugged me tight before saying " It's not your fault, little bro".

I sighed and pushed him gently off me. Time to play the part.

" Who are you? What's happening ? Where am I? ...what's going on" I said whilst frantically moving around to get away from Xander.

I watched as his face dropped as Xavier stormed out of the room. Maybe, I should tell them. That this was all an act. But I can't. They wouldn't understand. Not to mention they're both blabbermouths.

When I looked back at Xander, I noticed there was a weird look on his face. Did he know?

Please don't find out I'm faking. Please, i need this.


3 Hours Later 

It seemed my brothers had finally realized that I wasn't the same person who they called brother. At first I was convinced that maybe one knew that I was lying but all traces of suspicion must've been cleared once I convinced the doctor of my retrograde amnesia. 

Of course, that now meant a quick history lesson from my brothers who've somehow managed to summarize all 26 years of my life in an hour. When they mentioned Hannah, I had to force myself to not let any emotion slip which was crazy hard. They told me how pretty she was and kind and nice and crazy and weird and annoying as hell but most of all they told me how much I loved her. I thought that from the way I treated her this past 2 years that they'd see we were having marital issues but they didn't. 

They'd hate me if they knew how our married life really was. They loved Hannah more than me. They'd be idiots if they didn't.

I watched as they reluctantly left my room and told me they'd be back later. I knew what they were going to do. Ring Mother and Father, who by the way were still yet to visit me.

Hannah was also yet to arrive. Turns out she was sleeping with her phone on silent. Xave rang her 10 minutes before and now she was on her way.She was unaware of the whole amnesia thing. I felt bad. She was a really light sleeper. Seriously, she was a super light sleeper. Back when we were sharing a dorm, every time I had  gotten out of bed or whispered halfway through the night that I loved her, she'd immediately reply like she was awake the whole time before falling back to sleep or sit up straight super fast and ask where I was going. I wonder how much I tired her out that she couldn't hear her phone vibrating. 


The doors swung open. And I saw her. My Hannah. Beautiful as ever. She seemed to be breathing really hard. Did she run all the way here? 

And then in a quick flash, she ran towards me before she jumped on to my hospital bed, straddling me whilst hugging me as tight as she could. I could feel her.  Like really feel her. Her sweet smelling, slightly damp dark hair against my neck, her soft arms winding around my neck to pull me towards her kissable collarbones, her warm chest rising up and down against mine and most importantly, her heart beat which matched the pounding of my own heart.

Oh god, could she hear my pounding heart?

I wished so badly that I could hug her back. Take her into my arms and kiss the daylights out of her but it's not what memory loss Benjamin would do. But then I felt her tears and I broke. I wound my own arms around her waist and hugged her just as tight.

She still loves me. I know it. If she didn't her body wouldn't be reacting this way to me. Nor would she have straddled me and cried. 

I can do this. I can make her fall for me all over again.

What...Like it's hard?

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