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Now I know that you can just add a name in to dedicate something to someone on here but I feel that it would not do any justice to the one person who helped make any of this possible.

The person I'm dedicating this to is someone who I literally could not live without. She's my other half and I don't know what I would do if she wasn't in my life somehow. I get sad just not being able to talk to her when she's not with me. I don't like being away from this person if you can tell.

xLynzillax or as I know her, Lyndsey, is my twin sister. We are thirty seconds apart and we're fraternal twins. We've been inseparable since birth and I do everything with her. I consult her about bad ideas for stories, good ideas, etc. Like I said, anything. I can't bear to even fathom not spending my whole life with this wonderful and caring girl. No one deserves the love she can give or the kindness she can bestow. No one knows me like she does, it's ridiculous. She knows what I'm thinking before I even think of it, it seems. She's such a nerd (and band geek) just like me so I never run out of things to say to her, and even then, I wouldn't mind at all sitting in a room with her and not even saying anything.

Honestly and truly, I cannot express enough how much she means to me. I wake up everyday knowing if I want to do anything, it can be with Lyndsey. I swear to you guys, she's such an amazing person under all the layers you have to get through. Sure we may fight and get really angry at each other but I know she'll always love me like I love her. She's my best friend in the entire world and my world. If I lost her, my world wouldn't exist anymore. I don't care how many people I have in my life, I don't have anything if I don't have my sister. And that's the tea.

She's taught me so many things that I probably could never learn on my own and nothing can do this amazing person justice to what she truly is. If any of you met her, you'd probably think "Wow, she has the face of murder" but because I know the ins and outs of this tunnel, it's probably just her happy face and you'd never know. Why? Because you're not her sister, not like I am. And you don't know her like I do but that's okay. She's so lovable and kind and caring and so many people take advantage of someone way ahead of their time. The world is not ready for this girl, I'm telling you now.

I could go and on about her, really, I could. Bet me. But, I don't want to make this really long because I want to let you read the story or unless you've skipped over this part then, bE gOnE tHoT.

Anyways thanks for reading and just to remind you, none of the things I write on here would not be possible without my amazing sister, Lyndsey.


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