Riddles 41-45 ANSWERS

446 4 4

41) L8; Whenever all of the numbers are turned upside down, it shows numbers 86-91
42) An echo
43) The letter 'x'. It is the 24th letter of the alphabet, XX in Roman numerals is 20, and XXX is a label for movies that are inappropriate (unclean).
44) She tells them that she will give the student who skips the quiz whose name comes first alphabetically a detention.    This student won't skip because they know they are getting a detention if they do. The next person alphabetically will then know that they will get a detention so they won't skip either, and so on.
45) A microwave. Generally when you run a microwave for '99' it runs for 1 minute and 39 seconds. '100' runs for 1 minute.

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