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"Just do what he says" The senior staff member repeats for the hundredth time. Like all of the previous times, I smile and nod.

"Don't go into his office without his permission- and don't look through files that you haven't been instructed too" another thing he's said a ridiculous amount of times.

"So what am I supposed to do? Just sit and take coffee orders like a barista?" I chuckle slightly and he stifles a weak smile. Poor man.

"No-It's just I usually deal with the important business stuff, although you probably could deal with it all- I don't really know my Mr Min hired you" He sighs before taking a seat on the Swedish looking sofa. I sit opposite him and look around the rest room. It looks too modern, like someone just took a page straight of ikea.

"I'll take that as a compliment I guess" I mumble and he laughs.
"I mean it in the nicest way, he didn't have to hire you- even with your impressive qualifications" he adjusts his glasses and smiles at me. I roll my eyes playfully.

"Sir- you're going to make me blush" I pout out him and he laughs childishly.
"I said to call me Mr Gi, you don't need to be so formal" he replies in an equally childish tone and pouts at me and a shiver runs down my back. I smile uncomfortably.

"If we're being informal, please just call me Misun" I bow slightly and he laughs even harder.
"Okay Misun-ah, welcome to the company"

"Aren't I supposed to welcome people the company Mr Gi?" A low monotone voice appears in the room and my head swivels towards the door and the short blonde man standing infront of it.

"Sir- I was just about to bring Misun to meet you" Mr Gi says as he stands up. That's the CEO? 
I stand up and bow towards him, "It's good to finally meet you sir- I'm exited to start working as your assistant" I stand up and smile at the man.

His face stays the same, seemingly unimpressed. He looks my age- if not younger. His pink tinted lips curve ever so slightly before returning to a straight line.

"Yes- I hope having you will save me some time of getting coffee and food" he smiles slightly and my face drops. Is he serious?
An unsure laugh comes from Mr Gis mouth and we both look at him, "He's only joking- Like I said before, they'll be more work than just coffee trips" he chuckles and I smile.

"No- you handle the confidential papers anyway, I don't need someone else complicating things" he shrugs and looks me up and down, "Mr Gi, will you leave me to talk to my assistant?" He says looking at the other man. He nods and hurried towards and out the door.

"So Miss Kim" The CEO in black says grabbing my attention again. I smile at him but he still doesn't return the expression.

"Yes sir?" I nod in his direction and his eyebrows furrow.

"I wanted to welcome you to the company, but it seems like Mr Gi has already done that" he takes a seat on one of the chairs and rests his arm on the table. His features stay in the same position, serious- intimidating.

"He only showed me the reception and this staff room" I smile at him and he nods before his eyes drift of into the back of the room.

"You won't be spending much time in here anyway" he says quietly. I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head.
"Why? Isn't this where we eat take breaks?"

He continues to look at me dumbly before finally sighing, "We will have a floor to ourselves Miss Kim- Why would we bother coming to the Marketing departments coffee room?" He asks in an obvious tone. My face drops. Did he just expect me to just know that?

"I'm sorry sir- I didn't real-"
"It's fine" he puts his hand up for me to stop talking and shakes his head, "Just try and apply more common sense to your work than you do to your questions next time"



Lol look it's another half arsed book by me 💁🏼‍♀️

Yes, Mr Min • Min Yoongi Where stories live. Discover now