Chapter 12: "Congratulations bro!"

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She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. 

"I won't." 


Mikey's POV

Here she was. The one girl I'm hopelessly in love with is here with me. I couldn't stop looking at her. 

We were on the couch. The part next to the arm rest and she was in my lap, just because i wouldn't allow her to sit any where else, because anywhere else would be too far. I was sitting normal and she was sitting so that her butt was on my thighs, her back was against the arm rest and her feet were spread across the couch. 

I couldn't help but smile, she's just- she's perfect. Her cheeks still wet from her tears, her makeup was running a little bit and she was in sweats and a tshirt and she's never looked more her, more perfect.

 She was laughing at something someone said and i smiled at the melodic sound. 

Everything felt so right. We, felt so right. And even though I know she really didn't make an official decision, everything seemed like it would be okay, that I would be okay. 

After we hugged, i kissed her. And i don't mean a peck, i mean like the kind of kiss like on the side of the street that one day. 

It got some whistles from the guys.

I know they ignored her, i didn't tell them to i swear. They just knew how i felt and didn't like that she could do that to me. And to be honest, neither did I. But not in the way they did. At the time, i hated that she had so much power over me. That when her presence was gone, so was my heart. I didn't like that she had that much influence over me. 

Now? I don't really give a shit, she's in my arms and not that good for nothing son of a bitch. 

I hated him. So much. 

This girl, she was everything to me. And she would always have this impact on me no matter what.

And here she is, laughing so hard she has to lean her head against my neck to support her and when she did, i kissed her forehead. 

"Alright guys, we should open these letters before Mikey and Ciana start having their makeout reunion sesh." Jason chuckles, causing Ciana to bury her face further into my neck, and causing me to flip him off. 

"We left ours in your room Jay." Madison says. 

"So come get them." He responds taking his arm off Lexi.

"Hey Mad can you get mine?" I ask, finally taking my eyes off Ciana. He laughed and shook his head, "If I have to leave my girl, you do too." 

I looked at Ciana and she smiled and nodded her head letting me know that it was okay. I kissed her cheek and got up, following the boys upstairs. We jogged up the stairs, laughing when Jason tripped. When we turned into his room, we all went for the desk.

We picked up our own letters, not moving to go back down. 

I stared at the white envelope and frowned. Sure, I wanted to go on the Believe tour, who wouldn't. But suddenly, I had no urge to open it. Ciana and I had just gotten on a good page in our book and i didn't want to leave her. I didn't want to go, or i would stuff her in my back pack and take her with me. 

But I had a bad feeling about this. 

Those girls down there, were our world. 

We walked back down the steps, not talking or laughing. 

We stopped at the basement steps when we heard them whispering.

"What are we gonna do if they make it?" Ciana asked. Kelsey replied with a quiet 'I don't know' and Lexi jokingly said, "I'd probably kill myself." Causing the rest of the girls to laugh. 

"So Cianaaaa what's going on with you and Mr. Fusco?" Kelsey asks. 

The boys sent me nervous glances.

She giggled. And I smiled at the sound. 

"Oh god I don't even know, he's just so.." her voice trailed off and i felt my palms get sweaty. 

"He's just so amazing, I don't even know." They awed and Madison patted my back. 

Then her voice continued.

"It's just that, Chris has been trying so hard to fix things and I just don't know what to say to him."

I didn't even look at the boyz. I stomped down the stairs, gripping the letter a little harder and the girls turned, wide eyed that I heard Ciana. I walked past where I was previously sitting and sat on the floor of the opposite couch. I didn't even look at her. 

Ciana's POV  

Well fuck my life. 

Of course he heard that. OF COURSE. I stared at him as the boys cautiously made their way back downstairs, walking back to their girlfriends. 

He didn't look at me once. 

"Well...let's open the letters now?" Jason said. Mikey didn't take his eyes off the wall but nodded a long with boys. 

They counted to three and opened their letters. I felt my heart beat faster and I didn't take my eyes off Mikey. My hands were sweaty and I was gripping the leather of the couch so hard. 

They took a couple minutes to read theirs.

"I didn't make it." Mikey said, lifting his eyes from the paper to the boys and than to me for a split second and then to the wall. 

"Neither did I." Madison said, tossing the paper to the side and kissing Kelsey's cheek.

Jason was mumbling to himself, obviously re-reading the letter as if they had made a mistake. Poor Jay.

"Congratulations Jason Smith, you have been invited to dance back up for a few shows of Justin Bieber's upcoming Believe tour. You will recieve a schedule and more paperwork following this letter." He read out loud.

It was silent.

And than we all jumped up, hugging him and throwing statements like, "Congrats bro!" and "Good job Jay!" 

We heard a sob and turned to see Lexi on the couch, crying.

Jason walked over, kneeling infront of her. 

"You're gonna be okay baby, ipromise, I only have to go for the first couple of shows, and their all on the East Coast, you can even come back stage to some of them" He said softly, taking one of her hands into his own and wiping her tears. She nodded but continued to sob, "I'm gonna miss you so much." 

He got up and sat down on the couch, bringing her into his arms and onto his lap. We all looked at eachother and slowly made our way out of the basement and then out of the house. Kelsey and Madison dispersed, walking hand and hand away. Mikey disappeared and i stood there as the night fell, listening to Lexi's sobs echo in my head.

What the hell just happened?

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