Chapter 3: "You look beautiful"

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A/N: This is going to be a long chapter, sorry if u prefer short ones


From unknown number: I'm sorry.


It was Tuesday morning and I was awoken by my oh so wonderful sister. I barely got any sleep last night, besides the large amount of homework i got, and that one text threw me off cause not a lot of people have stuff to apologize for.

Was it-? No. No it couldn't be Mikey right? He wouldn't apologize to me, not unless someone forced him to. 

I had finished putting my ripped jeans on and switched my tshirt for a flowy tank top and sandals. Clothes, check. Makeup, check. Hair, check. Homework, check. 


"I'm coming! Jesus christ, you have no patience." She says. We walked out of the house without our boards today, wanting to enjoy the walk together. 

"So how's life been for you Ci?" 

"I've been alright, lots a drama with some new friends but nothing I can't handle." I laugh a little at the thought of someone actually handling Michael Fusco and that i just referred to him as my 'friend'.

"Yeah, you're good at that, telling people to respect you, i admire you for that." She says. I smile and hug her with one arm.

"So what's been good with you Mags? Any boysss, i remember you had that big thing like a couple months ago with those two boys that caused so much drama, but besides that anyone else?" I say winking and nudging her. She blushes red and with her blonde hair it looks even darker.

"Well there's this one kid, Vinny, and damn hes so cute and funny and smart and urg i wish he liked me!" She said.

"Aw, he probably does! Boys fight over you all the time, he's probably just nervous around you." She smiles at me with gratitude and we walk our seperate paths when we get into school. I was really surprised to see my new 'crew' at my locker. Including Mikey. Usually it's just Kels.

"Hey guys, why is everyone at my locker?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, I came here with Kelsey and the guys just showed up." Lexi replies.

Jason had his arm around Lexi as usual, Madison was close to Kelsey and Mikey was leaning on the lockers next to mine casually. There was an awkward silence between us until Madison asks, "so since it's nice out, why don't we go to Hubela Park and go swimming!" We all agree to meet up there at 2:30, giving us each a half an hour to change. Mikey stays quiet the entire time so i'm not sure if he will be accompanying us to the pool. The bell rings and every one disperses, I didn't even realize Mikey was still there until I closed my locker. 

"Hey Ciana." 

"Hey mikey?" I question.

"So i know there's tension between us but uh, did you get my text the other night?"

Without even thinking I reply, "No why?.." 

"Nevermind." He says walking away. Wait. Was he the one that texted me? Did he just admit it. I wanted to call after him to tell him i did, but it was too late. A familiar voice pulled me out of my thoughts. 

"Hey Ci" It was Chris. i automatically smiled, "Hey chris, what's up?" 

"Nothing much, I was just wondering if i could walk you to class?" He replies, my smile grows bigger and Mikey is pushed out of my thoughts.  We start walking to first period, making casual conversation. "So what are you doing later?" He asked. "Oh you know going to the Hubela Park to go swimming with my friends." I giggle. "Oh cool! Me too! Maybe I'll see you there?" He asks smiling. I nod and head to class.


I really don't want to get out of bed to change into my bathing suit. After Chris accompanied me to every class and told me i looked nice, i came home and fell on my bed smiling. He is such a cutie. I finally mustered up enough energy to get up and search for my best bikini just for Mikey. Wait I mean Chris...

After choosing a plain strapless, red victoria secret bathing suit, i threw on shorts and grabbed my bag with a towel and other necesites for the pool. I put in my head phones in and blast some music. "I'm going to pool mom I'll be back before dinner!" I yell before walking out the house and down the street to the park.

Mikey's POV 

Madison picked me up and we were arriving at the pool. I don't know why he did because I live down the street, but I guess he wanted to make sure I actually showed up. It's not my fault, I can't help but be rude to Ciana. Something about her drives me fucking insane. I'm not sure if it's in a good way or a bad way but I chose not for it to be in a good way.

It was 2:25 when we got there and Lexi and Jason were there with Kelsey. DAMN did Kelsey look good in a bathing suit. I turn frantically at Madison realizing what i just thought and he was just staring at her in awe like when i say 'in awe' i mean it. Like mouth open and eyes buldging out of his head. I nudged him in his side when i realize Kelsey had noticed him staring. He stands up straight and struts over there like nothing happened. I walked behind him and silently wished that Ciana would show up, not because i wanted to see her, well maybe i did, but i mean I'm a guy, and she's hot and i mean who wouldnt want to see a hot girl in a bathing suit, but that's off topic, i want her to come so I'm not stuck with these losers.

I put on my beats, silently singing to myself while we set up our towels and stuff on some chairs next to the pool. 

"I've tried to fight it, to fight it, but your so magnetic magnetic. Got one life, just live it just live it, Now relax, and get on your back." I sang. I looked up and all my friends were looking at me. Including her. I pulled my beats off so that they hung around my neck. 

"What?" I asked. Looking at all of them, the boys shrugged and Lexi and Kelsey just smiled at me. Ciana though...She stared at me, cocking her head to the side.

She opens her mouth, about to say something, "I didnt know you could-" 

"CIANA! Hey!" The one and only Chris Corradino yelled while jogging up to her, his friends staying a little bit behind him. She looked at me kinda nervous, getting the vibe that I don't like him when i tensed up. But she smiled and started talking to the son of a bitch. I took the opprotunity to check her out. She fit perfectly in the bathing suit she had on, and red was DEFINITELY her color. She didn't have a huge ass but it wasn't flat and the bottom of her bathing suit made it look good. Her boobs looked so good like dayum, talk about suave. I could see Chris and his friends basically drooling over her. It kinda pissed me off to be honest.

I need to stop feeling like this. I need to do something that will take my mind off of her. Something big...and then i hear their conversation.

"So are you gonna go to the dance with me?" He asks and sends a smirk in my direction. 

She doesn't see it though, she giggles and nods. 

"Hey Ciana, maybe you should get a new bathing suit..this one..doesnt fit you the right way." I lied. The bathing suit looked amazing on her, i just needed her attention away from him. 

I saw the tears and i regretted it. I regretted it because of what happened next. 

HE wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her into a hug and saying, "Don't listen to him you look beautiful." Yeah dumbass we know she looks great now shut up. I bet she could feel his little friend getting excited when he felt her pressed against him. What a dick. Why am i saying that? I just told her she looked fat. I'm a dick. I am such an asshole. Walk away Mikey, walk back home and don't look back.

And that's what I did.

I walked away from them, and didn't look back once.


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