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⬆️ Adara and James

A/N So this is going to be how she is connected to the Marauders and James. Don't worry I've already started a second book where it tells the full story, this foreshadowing what will happen in this book tho. You will see a lot of memory flashbacks within the beginning of her second stay at Hogwarts. You will understand why I did this in the next chapter. !!THIS IS BEFORE SHE ATTENDS HOGWARTS, THE YEAR BEFOREHAND!!


Adara was having a boring day. She was just sitting out in her garden thinking. What should I do today? I have done all if my duties. Then it came to her. She could do something fun were her father can't watch her. She could cause mischief. She wanted to prank people. She had to come up with a good plan.
I could go to Hogwarts.
She already was allowed to go to Hogwarts (with her father's permission).But all she had to do was plan on how to blend in there.She could teleport in and out of the common room she wanted to go in.But where would she sleep?

Then it hit her.I'm a mermaid I can just sleep in the Black Lake. I'm a genius, I can just sleep there and go to school for about a year. So that is what she did she attended school for a year. A lot happens that year. She falls in love for the first time. She becomes the Last Marauder. And her first mortal love finds out her secret.

(This little sample is about her stay at the Black Lake and when the Marauders use the Marauders Map)


The moonlight sparkled off of the water. The Black Lake waters look breathtaking at the night time.It was somewhat comforting to anyone that looked upon the magical lake.That was why James Potter snuck out of the castle every night to look at it.But this time it felt as if something had changed in the lake.Like something magical was going to happen.That was when he saw the ripples in the water.And came a new creatures singing.

"Swimming away while you slept.
I fell in love, I fell in love too Soon.
I don't know how to apologize.
So I'll be in the ocean when you open your eyes".

That was when he sat up. Trying to find the owner to that heavenly voice. Adara knew what she was doing. She had already met him when she arrived on the first day, he just forgot her(MEMORY SPELLLLLL). When he introduced himself she immediately felt some sort of connection.
She wanted him to know and she wanted to have someone there for her. James, on the other hand, he had no idea what was going on.

"What's the point of being friends when we're both so hard to reach?
I can't help but break in half each time you ask me to bend.
I can't help but unravel when you pull out a thread.
I just lose my mind when you mess with my head.
And I will always throw a tantrum if you throw me just some Bone...
I'm not your puppy, I'm a famous fish, who'd rather swim Alone.......".

James walked closer to the edge of the water. He thought this wonderful creature that was singing that song had to be a girl. He stepped into the water and the creature turned around. It swam slowly over to him. When James had a clear view of it, it turned out to be a mermaid.She had beach blonde hair.And had piercing blue eyes.She was as mystical as the waters she was in. He had to find out who she was.He had to tell his brothers about this afterward. They would think he was crazy. She was the first to talk. Her voice was soft and magical.
"Please don't tell Remus and Sirius yet, but Peter can never find out that I'm here James.",she ended as if she knew something dark.
Wait how did she know my name? But before he could ask she looked over her shoulder and whispered "Adara".
Then she swam away to a small beach a little while away. But he could still see her.She swam out of the water and turned into a human. Then a man with bulging muscles came out of the shadows and took her hand. She had shining blonde hair now and had Gryffindor robes on. She then went up to his level and pecked him on the lips. His heart shattered. Why had she kissed him? And why do I feel like I'm heart broken? We just met? Then they disappeared into the shadows together.
Why had she said Adara's name?She was new and she didn't even know her way around the school yet. Let alone how to get to the Black Lake. Or so he thought. Adara shows up at the same time that this mermaid shows up? WAIT. It couldn't be. Adara could the mermaid. GOD no this can't be happening. She was a bad girl. She could never be a mermaid. And so he walked back up to the castle humming the song that she sang.

Meanwhile, Adara was kissing Hercules under a willow tree. She loved him with every bone in her body. But she also had feelings blooming inside of her that she didn't even know about yet. When they parted she asked him,
"Do you think I made the right choice, Herc".
"Of course love, you felt you could trust him and it is up to him whether or not he can earn that trust".


It was a quiet day at Hogwarts. The students were either outside enjoying the sun, or in the library doing homework. And there was the most unusual sight. The Marauders in the library. It looked like they were doing homework from afar. But that is not even close to what they were doing. Anyone that knew them knew for a fact that they would only go to the library for something that could cause mischief. And that is exactly what they were doing.

"James, Sirius, Peter look I did the last enchantment.Were do with the map!", Remus whispered quietly.

"Mate hand it over, I want to see where my girlfriend is. Adara will be so surprised when I sneak up on her at the lake", James muttered the last part.

Remus handed it over to James. They all huddled together and tried to find a certain girl. They spent an about a few seconds until they found her. But there was something wrong with her name. It didn't have the last She had told the boys that her last name was Olympia.

"Prongs your girl doesn't have a last name and she is also heading this way", Sirius stated.

"You should ask her about the name thing", Peter mumbled.

"That's a great idea Peter", Remus countered sarcastically.

"Thanks, Moony", Peter beamed.

That's when they saw Adara enter the library. Striding right over to there table. She looked at the map and raised an eyebrow. She then had a flicker of worry cross her face as she realized something. Today was the day that the Marauders finished the map. She was told by her father that on the map that she would have no last name. And they would get suspicious. She quickly made sure that she looked confident. Then she took the map from there hands and stated,

"Oh, so you finally finished it. It took you all long enough, I could have helped. I know I'm still new but I'm smart. I knew the right enchantments and all the secrets of this castle already ".

They all looked at her stunned. How did she know about the map? Had she spied on them? Had she overheard them? That's when James spoke up and took the map from her.

"How on the bloody hell did you know about the map. And, why don't you have a last name on the map? It just says, Adara. You also have a different border surrounding your name". They had designed it so the more interact the border of the name, the more powerful they are.

Adara wore an amused grin on her mouth. She turned into her wolf form. And turned around and walked out of the library. But before she left she turned around and winked at them. They looked at each other.And then they heard a noise and looked up. A bucket of slime was dumped on them. Then another bucket appears and it dumps glitter on them. Sirius looks at James and says,

"James your girlfriend is the coolest person I have ever met. You know she is also a famous prankster that is over 200 years old".

" Sirius how did you get that from my girlfriend turning into the ever so famous Marauder Goddess.And pranking us hardcore with her signature slime and glitter prank", James stated with an a sarcastic tone.

"I know I'm very smart".

"Are you serious", Remus yelled.

"Why y-".

"Don't you even dare".

A/N   I know it probably sucks but at least I updated.YAAAAY

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