How You Meet

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You walked along the village streets, casting a glance at everyone who looked your way. You pushed the door to a sushi shop and as soon as everyone saw you they all immediately got up and left the shop. You let out and annoyed huff and rolled your eyes. "Wusses," you mumbled, "can't even handle a decent, fair shinobi like myself." Yeah, you were a little cocky, who cares? You continued walking and saw someone who hadn't jumped up and left (Gotta Blast! Idk... send help). You saw that he had ginger hair. You walked over and saw he was reading a book, paying no attention to his surroundings. You tapped him on the shoulder," Excuse me... would you mind if I sat with you?" He looked up at you and shrugged. "I don't care." he mumbled. You we're slightly taken aback. Your cheeks were heating up with embarrassment, but it was too late to back down, so you sat down. He smirked and continued reading. You each continued to sit in an awkward/comfortable silence. When you each finished eating, he got up and said,"Thank you for the company. I am Pein by the way." then, without another word, he was gone.


You were in your villages greenhouse, the only place you can find peace without someone staring or glaring at you. See, you we're a little strange, you had more interactions with plants then you did with humans. So, you kept your distance from everyone. You continued to to garden, not hearing a certain Akatsuki member open the doors to the greenhouse, looking for a special plant that could only be found in your village. "Hello." The white side said. "We should eat her." The black side growled. You heard two voices, one was light and airy sounding and the other was deep and dark. Those voices sent shivers down your spine. You stood up and turned around, expecting to see two men ready to stab you, but all you saw was a tall man, that was half black and half white, with a fly trap around his head. "Woah..." was the only thing that escaped your mouth. "See? I told you." The black side growled once again. "Uhm... do you mind if I touch your fly trap?" You knew you were probably pushing your luck, especially with the black sides tone. "What?" Both sides seemed to say. " Yeah, it looks cool, I wanna touch it." You smiled, trying not to be creepy. "Let her, I doubt she'll do any harm." The black side rolled his eye but allowed it. "Whatever." You smiled and walked up and touched his fly trap delicately. Then, you got side tracked. " Was there something you were looking for?" Both sides answered," Yes we are looking for r/f/n (Random flower name)" You got it for him, and as he was leaving he said,"Our name is Zetsu, thank you for your help." And with that, he was gone.


You were in a field, setting off fireworks and screaming, not caring if anyone heard you. But, what you didn't know was there was someone watching you from afar. When you set all of your fireworks, you felt an unfamiliar chakra source nearby. "I know you're hiding, you might as well come out." Then you saw someone, maybe a boy, maybe a girl. They had long blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hello,un" They said, or should you say he said. He was definitely a boy by the deepness of his voice. You weren't so much focused on him as you were with what he had in his hands."Is that explosive clay?" You said excitedly."Yeah,un. Would you like to try it out, hm?" He said while smirking. You started smiling uncontrollably,"That would be nice." He smirked wider and walked up to you."My name is Deidara by the way,un" you nodded and let him set off his clay. He yelled,"Katsu!" and you saw a burst of color. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. When the show ended, you turned to thank Deidara, but he was gone.


Upset was an understatement, you had just seen your best friend kissing a long time crush of yours, so upset was definitely a n understatement. You were sitting in a bar, drinking your sorrows away. then you heard someone loud enter the bar. "Whats up FUCKERS" (Anyone remember that vine?) You growled and turned around to be face to face with a loud, silver headed, shirtless man."What's up bitch?" He yelled in your face. You were on the verge of tears and now this fucker was yelling in your face you growled, got up and yelled back just as loud, "I SWEAR TO JASHIN IF YOU YELL AGAIN I WILL SACRIFICE YOU WITHOUT A THOUGHT" The loud man seemed taken aback, just like everyone else in the bar. His face softened when he saw tears threatening to spill. "You follow Jashin too! My names Hidan bitch! You seem to be having a rough night, so I'll leave you be." he smirked, turned and left everyone in the bar let out a collective sigh, and went back to drinking.


You were sitting out in field, working on your puppets. You had heard about Sasori, the greatest puppet master to ever live. You wanted to learn how to be at least half decent compared to him. You let out a frustrated sigh and threw your puppet into the grass, breaking off the limb you had just added. You broke down in angry tears, trying to figure out what you were doing wrong. Then, you heard someone picking up the pieces of your puppet. "You shouldn't destroy art like this, it is meant to be eternal, brat." You looked up, ready to beat the shit out of whoever said that, then you froze. "A-are you Sasori?" the man looked at you with an uninterested look. "I am honored to know that the people of this village have still not forgotten about me. It seems you already know who I am, so there is no need for an introduction," he handed you the broken pieces of the puppet,"I could help you if you like, but you better be a fast learner, because I have no patience for a little brat,brat." You were a little peeved he called you a brat,twice, but you kept your mouth shut. "That would be an honor." He nodded, and disappeared, without another word.

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