He Asks You Out

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After the necklace fiasco, you had seen Pein around your village multiple times. But, each time you saw each other, things were very awkward. You couldn't lie, you had grown to have a little crush on the pierced ginger. One day you were carrying your groceries to your home and boy did you have a lot of bags. Just as you were about to drop a bag, someone scooped it up along with 3 other bags.

You looked up and your cheeks immediately went three shades darker. "Hello Pein." you said gently. "Hello Y/N. I was actually looking for you." he said sweetly. If your blush wasn't noticeable before, it definitely was now. "Oh? What for?" you said sheepishly. He cut right to chase, "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" You almost dropped your bags, but you regained yourself just in time, "Of course! I would love to go on a date with you Pein." He let out a breath that he seemed to be holding. "That's a relief. I thought you would say no." He said nervously. You blushed at this, "No! Of course not! I would never reject someone like you! Your sweet, nice, gentle,calm, and you deal with me! How could I even think to say no?" Pein stopped and looked at you with wide eyes," Really?" "Of course!" You said cheerily. Then, you both walked your groceries to your home as you talked about when and where you would have your first date.


You were in your garden, again, looking for a plant. See, Zetsu had left you a scavenger hunt, for who knows why, and you were at the last on the list. You had to find a plant that he described.

You had been looking for 5 minutes when you spotted the plant that he had described, blue with red dots. (Don't ask me why.... just go with it) You grabbed it and attached to it it had a note. The note read: Turn around. You turned around and smiled at the sight. It seems as though both sides of Zetsu were smiling. No lie, you were kinda suspicious seeing as the only emotion you ever get from the dark side was anger.

"What's going on? I swear Zetsu if your trying to kill me with a plant, I'm taking you down with me!" you yelled. The white side sweat dropped, while the black side just looked offended.

"If we wanted to kill you Y/N, I would've done so when we met you." both sides said sadly. You realized how rude you were, and you wanted to change the subject.

"So... uh what did you set all of this up for?" you said awkwardly. Both sides snapped out of their upset state and responded.

"Well, we wanted to ask you out, but at this point we think we know your answer." both sides said sadly.

You were pleasantly surprised, seeing as you really liked Zetsu, you were just really shy and didn't want be rejected.

You shook your head quickly, " No! No! I would've said yes! I mean... I am saying yes." Both sides looked shocked.

"Really?" They both said, and you nodded your head eagerly.


You were sitting in your room, molding clay, when you heard a knock at the window. Your head snapped up and looked in the direction of your window. You smiled when you saw it was none other than the bomber, Deidara himself.

You jogged over to the window an pulled it open.

"What are you doing here Deidara?" You said questioningly. He looked slightly taken aback.

"I was gonna take you on a little trip if that's okay,hm?" he said after he regained his composure. You nodded your head eagerly. You stepped out of the room and onto the back of Deidaras clay bird. You wrapped your arms loosely on his torso and felt his heart bumping quickly in his chest.

"Are you alright Blondie?" you said. He turned his head flustered.

"Yeah,hm. I just had something I needed to tell you, that's all, un."

You looked confused, but left it alone. Then, you came upon a waterfall, and Deidara soared to the top. You looked at him questionably, but he gave you a small nod. Then, at the top of the waterfall, he shrunk the bird and you both fell off.

You screeched and grabbed onto Deidara.

"BARBIE IF WE SURVIVE THIS I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" you yelled out. Deidara just continued to laugh. Then, you bit hit the water with a splash. When you came to the top, you punched Deidara in his arm.

"What the hell was that Barbie?" you seethed. Deidara smirked.

"I wanted to that so I could ask you something and I'd have your full attention. You growled but gestured for him to continue.

"Do you want to go out with me?" he asked nervously. You smiled wide.

"Of course!"


You were at the bar, looking for someone to sacrifice, when you heard the bar door swing open.

"Hey Y/N! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Hidan yelled with a smirk. When you turned, you were confused, seeing as Hidan wasn't with his usual random women that he seems to attract constantly.

"What do you want, trash mouth?" you slurred seeing as you were a little drunk.

Hidan smirked again and grabbed your hand and pulled out of the bar, spilling your Sake along the way.

"What the hell Hidan?! I was drinking that you fucker!" you yelled. Hidan growled and kept dragging you. You took this as a sign to shut up.

He continued to drag you along until you got to the edge of the woods, then Hidan went behind you and put his hands over your eyes. You trusted Hidan, so you continued to be quiet. He walked you into the woods at a slow pace, trying to make sure you didn't trip over anything. Then, you stopped. Hidan removed his hands from your eyes. You opened your eyes, and looked around, at first glance you didn't see anything, but when Hidan tilted your head down, you saw something sweet yet nerve rattling at the same time.

On the ground, written in blood and other body parts was 'Will you go out with me Y/N?'. It was sweet that he did this for you, but kinda odd that he chose blood. You didn't complain though, seeing as this was about as much as you were gonna get from your fellow Jashinist.

"Of course, trash mouth." You smiled.


You were having another lesson with Sasori, and this time, he seemed a little distracted.

"Danna? Are you alright?" you asked, worried. Sasori looked up from the puppet he was working on.

"Yes, I'm just thinking." he mumbled. You nodded and went back to work.

About 20 minutes later, Sasori handed you something. It was a puppet. It was a 12 inch replica of you. He had every single detail correct down to the (glasses/freckles/scar/birthmark/mole) you have. You blushed.

"It's beautiful, Danna" you breathed. He smirked and continued watching you. You came to the conclusion that there must be more, so you flipped the puppet over. Carved into the back was 'Will you go out with me?'. You blushed a tomato red. Then, you looked up at Sasori.

"I would love to, Danna"

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It took 3 days to write so I hope you all like it! That's all! Author out!

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