Itachi: Catch Up

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How you meet:

You were wounded, and cleaning your leg in a nearby river. You had rolled the leg of your pants up, and sat it in the water as you scrubbed the dirt out and out of the cut. You winced when your rag come into contact with the raw skin. As you were scrubbing the cut, you heard the bushes behind you rustle.

Your head snapped up and you turned around like a deer in headlights. You stared at the bush for quite some time until a figure moved out of them.

"I am sorry to bother you," he said, "but can you point me in the direction of the nearest village?"

You nodded and pointed to the West. You were waiting for him to leave, but he didn't. He walked closer to you and reached into his weapons pouch. Your eyes grew wide, but stopped after you saw what he had pulled out.

A bandage. It was a bandage. He handed it over to you and you took it without hesitation.

"My name is Itachi," he smirked, "maybe I will see you again."

Then, leaves started to swirl around him, and he disappeared.

You meet again:

You were walking around the village when you saw it: A tall man with long, raven hair, tied into a ponytail sitting in a Dango shop. At first, you weren't sure, but when you saw him turn his head, you saw the lines under his eyes. Then, you knew, it was definitely Itachi.

You made your way to the Dango shop. When you swung open the door open, Itachi looked up at you and smiled.

"Hello again, fancy seeing you here. Would you like to sit?" he asked. You nodded and smiled back.

You slid into the seat and said, "Y/N, my names Y/N." Itachi nodded and handed you his menu.

"Meal's on me." he mumbled. You looked up at him and smiled, barely noticing the faint blush on is cheeks. You made small talk until you were just about ready to pass out form so much food.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Y/N, I hope we will see each other again. But, I have to go." Itachi said with a frown. You nodded and watched him get up and leave.

He asks you out:

You and Itachi had been hanging out often and today was different. You and Itachi were out practicing jutsu. Itachi seemed a little off today.

"Tachi?" You asked, "Are you okay? You don't seem focused." Itachi seemed to snap out of a trance, like he was in his own genjutsu.

"Hm? Oh! Yeah I'm fine Y/N, i'm just thinking." he mumbled.

You smiled, "Penny for your thoughts?' Itachi gave you a light smile back and cut right to the chase.

"I would like to go on a date with you Y/N." You looked surprised to say the least. You really liked Itachi though, so you gladly accepted.

"Of course!"

A/N:Sorry this is kinda short! I was on a time limit and needed to bang this chapter out before midnight so I could keep up with my schedule. I am still sick, but I feel good enough to focus on writing, and that 4 day break definitely helped. Thank you guys for being so patient. But, you guys will have to be patient again because today is actually the start of spring break for me, so I will not be updating until Tuesday, April 3rd. I know that this sucks since I just went on a 4 day break, but I came out of hibernation just to make this chapter for you guys so please don't be mad! Writers need breaks too. That's all. Once again, I'd like to say sorry. Author out!

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