Chapter 1-Lessons and Memories

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"I have said this countless times throughout the whole summer, but we must isolate Potter."

Another Death Eater meeting at the Malfoy Manor. Draco tried his best to not yawn. Voldemort was going over isolation plans and recruitment ideas like he had every Saturday evening for the past month. Draco did have to admit that while Voldemort was an evil bastard, he made a pretty good leader. He was well organized, had a clear point of view for the future, and knew exactly what he wanted and how to make it happen.

"Our ranks are growing, slowly but surely, as people start to discredit Potter and Dumbledore. Potter's number of supporters is diminishing. Soon, it shall be all of us against him. Now, we have not done anything to silence Potter. I believe Fudge has managed to do that on his own, but something must be done to get him expelled from Hogwarts, thus, making our lives quite simpler. Any suggestions?"

"We could use the Imperius Curse on him and force him to do something naughty," Macnair voiced, cackling like the idiot he was.

"And what do you suppose we will force him to do?" Voldemort asked. "Eat something?!" he yelled. "You will do well to think things through before you say or do them. This carelessness could cost us someday."

Macnair was cowering in his chair. "Y-yes, m-my Lord."

"Anyone else?" After how Voldemort had berated Macnair, no one dared to speak.

"Hem, hem."

All heads snapped towards the short and plump woman in the corner. She was wearing a boatload of pink and Draco's eyes began to hurt just from taking in all that pink. This was Dolores Umbridge. Draco hated her. She was so fake and just plain stupid. She'd joined the Death Eaters only a few weeks ago, but she was so evil and old,  Draco didn't know why she wasn't there during the first war.

"Yes?" Voldemort asked.

"Well, as most of you know, I am the Senior Undersecretary to the Miniser for Magic. I also hold almost as much power as the Minister himself. I think that it would be a splendid idea to send a couple of dementors to Potter's neighborhood." The pink-clad lady giggled.

Voldemort seemed to be taking this into consideration. "Alright. You can do that. How about this coming Wednesday, the second of August? I'm sure you'll have everything ready by then. Severus, when will the next meeting of the Order be taking place?"

Snape was a double agent. He would go to the meetings for the Order of the Phoenix and come back with information. What Draco had learned one day was that Snape was actually a double agent for the Order.

"August sixth," Snape replied in his monotone voice. "The Advance Guard plans to rescue Potter from his house that day."

"Excellent. That is enough for today." There was a great deal of shuffling as the Death Eaters made their way towards the Floo room.

Draco headed to the training room of Malfoy Manor. This was where Snape would have daily lessons with Draco. Draco was once "lucky" enough to have Voldemort himself teach.

"Today, Draco, I will be teaching you a very valuable curse."

"Yes, my Lord. What is it, Lord?"

"The Imperius Curse. I presume you have heard of it?"

Draco nodded.

"Very well. We shall begin with the wand movement. Do as I do." Voldemort brandished his wand in one slick motion, and Draco copied him.

"Good. Now, repeat after me. Imperio."

"Imperio," Draco said, purposely accentuating the "O". He couldn't let Voldemort know that thanks to Merlin, Draco could do all sorts of magic without practicing.

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