Chapter 4-Odd Dreams & Odd Friends

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It was early in the morning when Draco awoke. The sun just barely touched the lake and not a hair stirred in the dormitory. Draco carefully crept out of bed and headed over to the bathroom to shower. He came back out, drying his hair, when he had an idea.

Tiptoeing over to Blaise, he attempted to look inside his friend's mind. Since Blaise wasn't an Occlumens, it was easy for Draco to intrude, even if he knew it was wrong. But Draco had to practice on someone who wasn't Snape.

Blaise was dreaming about life with Voldemort as ruler of the Wizarding World. An older version of him was standing in front of the Dark Lord, waiting to receive his tasks as he was Voldemort's personal "fetcher". His Lord barked a few orders and Blaise trotted off to find the things he'd been asked to retrieve.

The scene changed to the end of the day. Blaise was putting on a cloak. He pulled on his hat, gloves, and wrapped his Slytherin scarf around his neck before heading out the door. Some time passed as he walked, but he finally arrived at a cemetery. He went straight to one of the graves without looking at the others, giving Draco the impression that were Dream-Blaise real, he'd've been doing this for some time.

Blaise knelt down on the cold frost and shook his head. Draco looked at the death date, which was the only visible piece of information. It said June 5, 1996.

"Why didn't you listen?" Blaise asked the grave. "It's your fault that we're in this situation. If you hadn't refused to become a Death Eater, you wouldn't be dead! You know how everything fell apart after you were gone." He sighed. "It's been exactly ten years now. Voldemort's getting worse day-by-day, and I'm not even sure how that's possible. A day doesn't go by and I don't regret your refusal. If you'd listened to Dumbledore, the Dark Lord wouldn't have killed you. You'd even gone home for the day, just to refuse your initiation. You could have saved us all. Potter never knew what he was doing. Oh, well. I've wasted enough of your time. I'll be going now. And remember, Theo, Adrian, and I will always miss you."

Why wasn't I included in that mix? Draco wondered. Blaise sneezed and the snow fell of the grave to reveal the truth:


June 5, 1980-June 5, 1996

Refused the Dark Lord and died on his birthday.

Blaise jolted awake and Draco quickly stepped away.

"Everything alright?" Draco asked uncertainly.

"You'll never guess what I dreamed tonight."

"Save the story for breakfast or we'll miss it."

Once all the boys had finished gobbling down their food, Blaise told the story of his dream. Draco's Legilimency had worked because he'd gotten the exact information Blaise had.

"And when I sneezed, the snow fell off the gravestone, and guess who was on it?"

"Me?" Draco said.


They sat around awkwardly before Draco said, "I'm not going to refuse Voldemort in real life. He'd kill my parents. And Potter wouldn't fail as long as he had Dumbledore's help."

The others just looked glum so Draco pushed his empty plate, and walked away, knowing that they'd follow him to class.

Draco took a seat near the back, and Adrian plopped down next to him while the other two sat in front.

Someone had charmed a paper bird and it was flying around the classroom. Finnigan tried to knock it down with his hand, and Crabbe shot a small stone at it with a slingshot.

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