Book 8

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It was another normal day in bludhaven. Lucy sat inside her large house. She felt a bit lonely since her husband Beast boy and her son Dami were off having a bonding day. No one was really around anymore. Not Bruce, not dick, not the teen titans, and the only time she ever saw the justice league were on missions which rarely ever happened anymore. She never really found her own city to protect, that's why she moved to bludhaven like dick did. Bruce had Gotham, dick had bludhaven, Superman had metropolis and everyone else had their own place. Lucy always felt like she didn't belong, and she really didn't. She was the daughter of the two worst criminals in Gotham. One was dead and one was sane. Except her father refused to ever have contact with her because he felt guilty. He had a foster daughter though. One which Lucy had never met. Lucy's childhood had gone quickly. She had to grow up fast. If she acted out of place at least once she probably would have been sent to arkham. She almost was a few times. She felt like no one trusted her. That was probably true. Was there ever really going to be a place in the world for her.

Lucy's pov
I sat in my room reading and thinking. My brother's wedding was coming up soon. He of course was getting married to Kori. He wasn't happy I got married before him. I was currently pretty lonely. While Dami was with beast boy, Emma rose was with Kori, the titans were celebrating a bachelor's party with dick, and everyone else was off doing their own thing. I thought about how fast my childhood had gone. I was a twenty-two year old. If I hadn't grown up fast I probably wouldn't have survived. I got up and got some lunch. It was around 4 p.m. I was getting even more bored than before so I decided to go to Gotham, and after calling Bruce and asking he said he'd meet up with me.

I walked across the rooftops in Gotham. Bruce said he was running late so I decided to go have some fun. I saw a figure below. I jumped down quietly staying in the dark.
"I know you're there." The figure said. It was the red hood! My so called deceased brother Jason Todd!! But no... the mark on his costume.. it was the slade mark....
"You're not Jason." I growled stepping into the light. "Who are you?"
"Who am I? You'd think you'd recognize your own brother Lucy." The figure sneered. He took off his red hood. "D..Damian?" I said agast.
"Yes, I'm afraid, so why is two face not dead? You think somebody would care about my death." He sneered.
"We do!" I said, starting to hear the voices.
"Calm down Lucy it's just in your head... it's just in your head." I whispered.
"Aw is little Lucy having the same problems as your crazy dead mom?" He laughed. I covered my ears as a tear rolled down my face.
"Get away from her." I heard a dark voice behind me say. I felt and then saw batman push me behind him. He grabbed Damian. I was worried he was going to hurt him but he didn't. He just gave him hard kick to the ribs and dropped him to the pavement, grabbed me and brought me to the batmobile. I jumped in riding shotgun. "Bruce...?" I said quietly. He nodded. "Was that... really Damian?" I asked. He pulled up into the batcave and looked over at me.
"In a way... yes... but not anymore. Like how Jason was before...." He said trailing off. "He was wearing a red hood costume." I said quietly.
"Lucy how about you get some sleep? Alfred has your room set up." He said getting out of the batmobile and helped me out and then left. I walked up to my room thanking Alfred and saying hello as I passed by. In the past two years my son Dami had grown to be five years old and he had a new sister Emma Rose, Her hair was much more red than Aunt Ivy's herself and her eyes a luscious green. In the morning dick had heard about the 'situation' and came to Bruce's manor with Kori. Bruce also told beast boy to come but leave the kids with Clark. maybe not the best idea, but it was better than nothing.
Once everyone got there we sat in the study with dick and kori across from beastboy who had his arm around me comforting me, and then there was Bruce in his large chair. "We all know that really was him.." Bruce started. "There was no doubt about it... but that doesn't mean he's any less dangerous than Jason was when a similar thing happened. I flinched at the name of my deceased older brother Jason, I never met him or my other older brother Tim before I came to live with Bruce.
"I'm not saying you have to but I am requesting that you all stay here until this whole things blows over." Bruce said looking up at us, pain obviously in his eyes.
"But what about Bludhaven?" Dick was the first one to speak.
"I have sent some of the league there to take care of that." Bruce said.
I nodded remembering the call he sent to everyone while in the batmobile. After the hour long discussion, Alfred showed us to our rooms and had a member of the league go to retrieve my children. In the morning we all went down to the batcave in our costumes, Batman sat at the large screen researching something. We heard a crash and we all quickly turned around. Renegade, or now we know he's Damian stood there with his domino mask glaring at us. He flung his sword at me barely missing my chest. I flinched in pain as it scraped past my side instantly putting my hand to my side and then pulling it away to see blood. Then he did took out some sort of bomb. It was a fear toxin bomb! Batman grabbed me and put a gas mask on both of us but nightwing was too out of reach.

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