Chapter 12

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So I woke up around 11.23am Y/B/F/N was already awake and she was making breakfast so I asked her if I can take a shower she let me I whore the same thing I whore yesterday I was so tired and sad because of what happed yesterday I ate and said thank you to Y/B/F/N then I left around 1pm. I went to the team 10 house then I opened the door and everyone just looked at me and I said to them is everything all right? Did something happen to Ivan? I was already freaking but then Emilio told me that Ivan was in his room so I went up to Ivan's room I opened the door and when I was about to go kiss him he pushed me away I could tell the that he was sad so I asked him what is wrong
Y/N-Ivan what's wrong?
Ivan-You know what's wrong
Y/N-Just tell me what happened
Ivan-Where did you go yesterday?
Y/N-I told you I had to do something
Ivan-Yeah like go kiss another guy*with a tear in his face*
Y/N-What are you talking about?
Ivan-Why would you cheat on me?*Showing me the pictures*
Y/N-Ivan let me explain please
Ivan-Explain what how he f**ked you!
Y/N-Ivan Please*I was about to start crying*
Ivan-Get out of my room you SLUT *Coming to me*
Y/N-Wait...So  now I am a slut!
Ivan-You always where...I wonder on how many guys you cheated on?
Y/N-Ivan I didn't cheat on you!*About to cry again*
Ivan-Shut TF up!
Y/N-You know what Ivan I am done
Ivan-So get the hell out of my room
Y/N-Just let me explain please*with a tear in me eye*
Ivan-No just get the hell out *Pushing me to the floor*
Ivan-ohh and by the way we are over
*End of Conversation*

He reminded me of my father when he pushed me to the floor I was so scared of Ivan in that moment.  When he told me we where over I went to my room and started to pack my stuff I was crying a lot but I still kept on packing when I was done packing I went downstairs and everyone was still their they just looked at me and I felt bad. Tessa and Erika came to me they sat me in the couch I told all the team 10 members that I was going to leave for about a week so I said bye to them. I told they boys if they could leave because I wanted to talk to Erika and Tessa in private so I explained everything to them about how my dad, Twin sister, and ex boyfriend wanted to tell me and how my ex boyfriend raped me they where surprise to know that I had a twin I could tell but they where in shock when they knew that my own family wanted to kill me. 30 minuets later happened and I just finished telling them all then I said goodbye and gave them the address for them to visit me then I went to my car and went to Y/B/F/N house and explain what had happed she said it was all going to be okay I told her thank you for everything she already knew I had a twin sister and the other stuff with my dad any it was already night so I brushed my teeth put my pjs and went to sleep with tears on my face.

Ivan's POV
When Y/N came back we got in a big fight I told her some horrible stuff when I pushed her to the floor I could tell in her eyes that she was scared of me and honestly it broke my heart more I told her that we are over and she just left and I started to cry because I still love her . When I went downstairs they told me that she left crying and that she is going to come back in a week. I don't know why but I couldn't sleep at night knowing that she was scared at me and that I might have lost her forever😥😭

Hoped you like it ❤️

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