Real Life [9]

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I've numbered off the Chrises. Evans is one, Hemsworth is 2, and Pratt is 3. And sorry ahead of time that this chapters all over the place

You sat on a stool, your legs swinging and your eyes fixed on a specific point on the wall as you waited to see the costume you would be wearing for the first time. It was, according to the costume designers, one of their favorite costumes they had made for the movie. That was what made you excited and nervous to wear it. You heard the door swing open and immediately turned your head. Paul Rudd and Chris Pratt had just arrived to the wardrobe trailer.
"Jeez kid you're going to get whiplash," Chris told you. You laughed it off and went back to swinging your legs and staring at the wall. A wardrobe lady, Cindy, walked in and almost immediately started yelling at the two grown men for being more than a half hour late. They had by the time Ms Cindy, as you called her, stopped yelling, had slouched their shoulders severely and looked like they wanted to run and hide. You smiled at the thought, but it was interrupted by you being asked to try on your costume. You smiled in Chris and Paul's direction and made your way to one of the small fitting rooms.

Hanging on the back wall was a deep purple catsuit like outfit and black boots. You quickly changed into the outfit. The costume looked amazing! It looked really good on you too. It wasn't in any way sexy, and it made you feel confident. You felt like taking over the world in the costume. You smiled and opened the door. Apparently, while you were changing, Chadwick and Sebastian had also arrived.
"Hey [y/n]! Your costume looks awesome," Chadwick said and smiled. You were about to thank him, but Ms Cindy interrupted you.
"That's not even all of it. There's more accessories to add," she told the guys. They nodded, and went off to get their own costumes.

Ms Cindy stood you up on a little platform and put a belt around your waist. It was black, and the buckle was a silver circle. You also had a black archery arm guard, and two knife and gun holders around your thighs. It was such an amazing costume.
"How does everything feel? Anything too lose or tight?" Ms Cindy clasped the last buckle on a knife holder and slipped in the prop throwing knives.
"No ma'am. It all feels great. I really like it," you replied. "It's also pretty comfortable. I was expecting it to itch and all."
"I'm glad you like it. The costume designers have done this for ten years now, so they kinda know which materials work best and all. It looks good on you. Now, go kick some Thanos butt!" You smiled at Ms Cindy's exclamation and stepped down from the platform.

Your hair and makeup had been done previously, so the only thing left was props. You slipped into the tent and ran into Jeremy.
"Hey kiddo. Nice costume. I'm guessing you want your bow and quiver," he said and tossed you the smaller bow that had been on the hook labeled 'Kate Bishop.' He also handed you the quiver and helped you put it on as it was too complicated for you to do on your own.
"Thanks. Do you need help with your quiver?" Jeremy nodded and you helped buckle his quiver onto his costume's back. You stepped away and pretended to wipe your hands on your pants.
"Ta-da!" You smiled and adjusted your quiver strap to sit more comfortably. The bow had a place to clip when not filming, so you slowly but surely figured out how to do all that. The Hawkeye costumes seemed more complicated than Robert's cgi Iron Man suit, and, from what you were told, it was nearly impossible to cgi.


Any time a bunch of cast members are on set together, it takes a while to get anything done. So, with all of team cap plus you and a few others, things got crazy. Sebastian had finally invested in hair ties, which was beautiful. Chris #1 (Evans) was dancing, well that's what you thought it was. No ones quite sure with Chris #1 anymore. Jeremy and you were hanging from wires and spinning around in the air, Lizzie was pretending to make you spin, Paul was jumping up and down with Sebastian to 'get pumped up,' Anthony was pulling out Sebastian's ponytail, Chris #3 (Pratt) was pretending to try and shoot you and Jeremy, and Benedict (Cumberbatch) was sighing every 3 seconds. The poor Russo brothers were trying to get everyone to cooperate, but they were failing miserably. Eventually though, everyone calmed down enough to actually get something done.

The Actual Scene will be italicized, and the actors won't be mentioned.

Kate's (Your) POV:
I stood next to Clint in Wakanda, taking in the scenery around me. It was such a beautiful place, and I'd really like to visit when you weren't fighting a giant purple raisin. Steve Rogers, the leader of the team, was currently giving out orders to other team members. I wasn't really paying attention, but I last heard him giving orders to Ant-Man. What a funny name. I should ask Scott about it.
"Hawkeye!" Cap- Steve called in mine and Clint's general direction. Clint and I both looked up to look Steve in the eye. After Civil War, Steve had dropped the Captain America title, and anyone talking to him just used his name. He had grown a beard, and his hair was much longer. He didn't look much like the Captain America I had been seeing and hearing about in the news lately, but it suited him. Made him look cool, if he wasn't already cool enough being from the forties and being, ya know, Captain America!
"Yeah?!" Clint and I responded at the same time. He jinxed me though. I wasn't fast enough to jinx him first.
"Each of you take a rooftop near here. Keep us updated on how everything looks from up there-" I raised my hand, "Yes Kate?"
"So do we shoot anything?"
"I was just getting to that. If anything gets too bad, or you feel a need to intervene, then you may shoot. Other than that, save your arrows."

"SCENE!" Joe (Russo, if you don't know who I'm talking about) yelled. You high fived Chris #1 and smiled widely.


About a half hour later, Sebastian approached you, his phone pointed at you. He was obviously videoing you.
"Hey [Y/N]!" He called your name, and you looked up from your phone.
"Yeah?!" You responded matching his enthusiasm.
"What are we doing today?!" His phone was still pointed on you. You both were faking enthusiasm, and you were sure it'd be a pretty funny video.
"Kicking purple butt!" You both laughed and Sebastian ended the video.
"That'll probably go on instagram," Sebastian told you.
"That is, if Marvel let's you."
"True. Now, let's go kick some purple butt!"

Hello! I'm not dead, well not yet. I have to take an Exam today that's been moved about four times. So that's fun. Anyways, I'm sure everyone's seen the new Infinity War trailer. I loved it and I'm so excited for this movie.

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