Episode 29

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EPISODE 29: "Aji-3 hilang?"

Masih di ruang dewan KM, seorang Direktur Yoon yang tertegun mendengar dari salah satu anak buahnya bahwa Aji-3 hilang. Ketika dia menuntut untuk mengetahui, "Ke mana Aji-3 pergi," Min-kyu sengaja mendengarnya dan menginformasikan Baek-gyun bahwa robot mereka telah hilang.

Sendirian di kota, Aji-3 menyuruh dirinya pulang tapi tanpa GPS-nya, dia tidak tahu di mana itu.

Martin kembali ke kamar hotelnya dan berteriak bahwa dia khawatir sejak dia mengaku pembunuhan Ketua Park di depan Aji-3. Solusi Dr. Casey adalah membiarkan ingatannya terhapus sepenuhnya

<Still in KM’s board room, a stunned Director Yoon hears from one of his men that Aji-3 is missing. When he demands to know, “Where did Aji-3 go,” Min-kyu overhears him and informs Baek-gyun that their robot is gone.

Alone in the city, Aji-3 tells herself to go home but without her GPS, she has no idea where that is.

Martin returns to his hotel room and rants that he’s worried since he confessed to the murder of Chairman Park in front of Aji-3. Dr. Casey’s solution is to have her memory completely erased>

 Casey’s solution is to have her memory completely erased>

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