I sit there trying to figure out what to say because they are all looking at me. I go to move and louis says that i should sit still but i stand up anyway but i almost fall but i catch myself. "Em may i talk to you and harry alone please" i ask and they agree i tell louis and he leaves i felt mean but i need to see if they have powers to.After i make sure the coast is clear i tell them all about what just happened."harry are you something as well are all of you?" i ask. harry just sits there and looks around then says."okay dont tell anyone i toold you guys this but as you already know lou is a demon i am a vampire niall is a shapshifter liam is a angel and zayn is a werewolf thats why you never see him he only comes around if there is trouble or we ask him to." emily was just as shocked as i was all we could do is look at each other. I decided that tonight was the night i was getting out of here this place is so wierd. i told emily about my plan and she agreed to come with me. Emily told me that she would get harrys number then be back so at 12 we can sneek out because we know that everone will be in bed. When emily gets back we sit on the bed and wait we talk about how and where we are going i told her that we will excape out the window and follow the road but we have to keep off the road a bit so they cant find us if they search for us. Its now 11:30 and we are getting ready when louis walks in on us putting our black sweatshirts on. "What are you guys doing?" he askes me. "we are cold and the heater is taking forever to heat up the room lou i dont want to get sick so were putting it on till it gets warmer" i say. "okay i just came in to check on you guys and telling you that we are all going to bed and that to try and keep it down a but." "okay goodnight." i tell him as he comes over and kisses me on the cheek."goodnight love." he leaves and all the light do out in the house."Thatsour que lets go." i say heading toward the window.I open it as quietly as i could and i crawled out of it and help em out then i close it back quietly. We crawled down the side of the house and we ran behind a bush as the outside light came on. when it went back off we ran as fast as we could down the road and we could see the lights of another road.LOUIS POV The outside light came one right when i got comfortable in bed i just ignored it because it was probably a bug so i fell asleep. TAYLORS POV when we got to the road i looked around then i saw the street name st.grace drive. "emily were the hell are we?" i asked her "i dont know," i asked her for her phone that she stole back when we left and she gave it to me i found the gps app and typed in our town name as our destination and our location now and we were 2 hours outside of town. "uggg we are 2 miles outside of town we need to start following the gps running." i tell em andshe nods and we start running when we get to the end of the road we took a hard left and kept running in the right direction."