Chapter 5-Greed

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Chapter 5-Greed

Money is the best lawyer out there

I work at the court as a very respected judge. Little do they know I'm in for the money. I don't think that the crime or race matters, as long as they can give me money I set them free. I believe that money is the best lawyer and I will never have enough of it, no matter what.

I go to my home and find my daughter who is paralyzed and blind, I need more money for her. The money goest words her Heath and as long as she continues her bad heath then I will be able to get more money. So of you want justice then give me more money. As you have realized this is a judgement of corruption.

I have released many people who have committed deadly crimes and have given me the money I have wanted. One day my hose was burned down by one of the criminals I have released. Both me and my daughter were in the house as it burned. I did not run for I wasn't going to be someone my daughter didn't know. We both die in the fire and many possessions burn. The only one that didn't was the picture of a crying baby. I've heard in fires it never burns.

We wake up again for I feel alive. I look up and see a woman's figure, I don't recognize her so I walk up closer to see if her face looks familiar at all, it doesn't but I feel like I know her. "You could give me your fortune and you will go to heaven" she tells me. I think an it doesn't take long yo decide

I would never give my money to the likes of you I say with a demonic smile. I get shot down a black hole and go to hell. I will make a utopia mor my daughter and me. I haven't died yet, this only the beginning.

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