I going to

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              Today I was happy because Iam going to meet my parents and my own town after long time.I lived with my uncle in newYork because of my parents are busy with there own problems and they not had time to spend with me.my uncle he  took care of me when i was sick and had some problems he just took care of me he love me has his own son he also had son his name his god.we both are like brothers he love to pamper me and I just spoiled by him but i like it.

    I already finished my study's in there but now my parents are already rich but they don't know that i want there love not there money

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    I already finished my study's in there but now my parents are already rich but they don't know that i want there love not there money.but after long time they  said that they missed me and they want to meet me I doesn't know but i was happy to see them and my own town after long time but I don't how to move to that culture but I happy to see them.

but after long time they  said that they missed me and they want to meet me I doesn't know but i was happy to see them and my own town after long time but I don't how to move to that culture but I happy to see them

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                           I going to miss my friends,uncle and God.
    The flight landed now I just happy also nervous.

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