Chapter 9

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"So I guess you're excited to meet my parents who happen to be your fans too," Royce opened up our conversation. "Well, certainly. I'm flattered that your family happens to like my creations," I answered. Royce quickly said, "We just don't like them. We love them all. You'll see why later."

Royce was a very god conversationalist. We both talked and listened to each other's stories. I never felt a single boredom with him. He's a very interesting person that I haven't noticed how far we travelled to get to their home. It was about a couple of hours drive but we never ran out of things to discuss.

As we entered their porch, I already noticed one of my paintings on their wall. It is a bunch of periwinkle flowers. I just saw it along the road but I admired its simple beauty so I painted it. 

As we walked inside their home, I've seen many paintings hanging on their walls which are done by some famous artists not only locally but internationally. This proves that they are really fond of collecting these things. Most of them are done with vibrant colors so it makes their home lively. Anyone who loves art will be impressed with their collections because each has its story to tell. 

I was busy looking at every portrait when I heard someone from my back saying, "There you are at last. I can't really believe that you'll make it here until my son told me he has met you last night." I looked back and met her welcoming gesture. She's very warm and unpretentious. I felt like as if I've known her for so long and she made me feel at ease with her.

Royce just introduced us to each other and excused himself because he needed to answer his phone. I never felt strange in this house because Mrs. Andrews is such a nice lady. She told me stories about how she bought all these artworks, "The first piece I bought was also yours. It's a portrait of a little boy as if meditating. It was chosen by Royce when we went to an art gallery. He insisted me to get it. He even cried over it so I realized he really wanted it for himself. Don't you know that he even slept with it on the first night we got it for him?  From that time on, we developed our passion for arts. Maybe because we saw how these paintings made our son happier and full of life. You must see his exclusive collection of your paintings which are located in his resort. The only painting from you that I was able to display here is the one hanging in our porch since it's very feminine according to my son but honestly, we all love your exquisite works. I don't mind spending much for it. Every visitor who comes here are impressed with your painting outside. They always tell me that it sets a welcoming spirit to our home so I just let it stay there."

Listening to her stories made my heart alive. I think there's a little connection between me and Royce ever since he liked my paintings so I humbly said, "Thank you so much. I'm happy to impart my works with you." Mrs. Andrews held my hand and whispered, "I just hope that you and my son will be very good friends now that you've met. Maybe you, two are destined for each other. I like you so much." I just shyly smiled because I was stunned from what she revealed to me. It made me feel like I'm flying over the clouds. This is such a wonderful surprise.

"Oh my dear I'm sorry. Did I offend you? I'm just hoping you to be part of our family  the way your paintings have become a part of our lives. I could sense that you are a very nice person unlike my son's choice. He might come to his senses now that he has you in his life," Mrs. Andrews frankly informed me. I then replied, "It's flattering to hear you Ma'am but only time will tell what's in store for us."

We should have talked more but Royce showed up again and said, "Mom, we I'm afraid we have to go. Something came up and I need to attend an important meeting. You can just meet her again some other time." Mrs. Andrews sadly answered, "Oh it's such a little time but maybe you can come here again this Sunday. It's our family day and I want you to meet my husband too. Will you please come back again?" How can I turn down her invitation? It might break her heart more so I accepted it. Anyway, I don't have any prior arrangements on that day.

Something inside me yearns to come back. I feel there's something strange about to happen which makes me feel mixed emotions right now. Is this the beginning of my new journey?

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