Chapter 2

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Harry suddenly hugged Draco. Draco, thinking that Harry was going to hit him, flinched and tried to push Harry away. Harry suddenly started crying. 'Bloody Hell! The great Potter is crying?! And why are his eyes violet?' Draco thought to himself. Harry then started withering in pain, almost as if he was hit with the crucio curse. Draco, not liking feeling helpless, especially when the boy he just might love is withering on the floor in front of him, cried. Harry, at the sound of Draco crying, stopped withering on the floor. Draco didn't notice and just kept crying. Draco didn't stop until he felt Harry staring at him. He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes so that Harry didn't see and tease him over it, even though Harry was the reason he was crying. But Harry wouldn't have known that.

"Why are you crying, Draco?" Harry asked softly, maybe even lovingly. Draco, clearly surprised, replied

"Did you just call me Draco, Harry?" He quickly covered his shock with an award-winning Malfoy smirk. Draco quickly realized his slip up. " I mean Potter." His smirk slowly slipped away realizing that the smirk might have been overkill.

Harry smiled and scooted over next to Draco, who was still on the ground from when he was crying. Draco didn't realize that he hadn't succeeded in wiping away all his tears, and suddenly felt Harry hold a hand up to his face and wipe away his tear. This time though, Draco didn't flinch from his touch, but nuzzled his face into Harry's hand. He didn't even notice when he started to purr.

Harry smirked at Draco when he started to purr. Without even thinking, Harry started to scratch behind Draco's ear. Draco absolutely melted at Harry's touch, and fell into Harry's lap, inviting his touch.

Harry, not noticing suddenly whispered "my kitten." At hearing this, Draco sat up, still in Harry's lap.

"What did you just call me?" Draco asked Harry.

Harry going back to his self, said "kitten?" Clearly confused. Harry's face then turned into one of surprise and fear when he saw who was in his lap, what he was doing to the boy, and what he was. He couldn't take it. It was all too much. First he gets all violent, rude, and distant after the war, and now.... Now this! He is sitting in a dark broom closet with no other than Draco Malfoy, who has cat ears whiskers, and a tail! Harry hastily pushes Draco off his lap and runs out the broom closet, heading no where in particular. His last thought being 'since when has Malfoy become Draco?'

A/N well, here's the second chapter :) hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if I'm going too fast. I actually really like how it's going so far, but it seems a little rushed so I'm not sure, but ya know. Whatever. Have a good day! Don't forget to give this chapter some love 🖤

Word Count--- 501 words

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