End Of Book Treat

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Hey, welcome to the end of the book. I'm going to answer some questions so you guys know more about me and who I am as a person. I have talked/interacted with a bunch of you in the comments section, and I can't help but want to know more about you guys. So, we are going to play a small game:

I am going to answer these questions, and then in the comments, so are you! Once you are done, tag 3 friends to do the same!

•My height
•Favorite Color
•Favorite School Subject
•Favorite Quote
•Reason you joined Wattpad

I kept these short and simple so I could get more people to participate.

•"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy"~Charles Manson, Serial Killer
•i joined Wattpad because I wanted more reading material, and also because of the milk fic xD


Don't forget to comment your answers in the comment section! I can't wait to see them! Don't forget to tag three friends once you are done!

Thank you for sticking with me through this book. I love and appreciate all of you lovely avocados🥑, keep on being Drarry trash. I love you guys! Also, stay tuned for after I finish up my other Drarry book about veelas, I will be publishing a HP PJO crossover. I will also be adding to my Rick Riordan one shots book. I'm starting writing more so yay! Okay, now I will stop rambling. Love you guys, untill next time!

~Allen the Trash Lord

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