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the 8 year old girl strolled along the wet lands, getting her sketchers all soggy and brown with mud. she held on to the straps of her light pink overalls, as if it would prevent them from getting dirty. after preschool, amy would walk home, sometimes taking a detour to play along the little puddles near the rice fields.

she looked around, clicking her tongue to a rhythm only she knew and stopped in her tracks when she saw a boy in a bright orange t-shirt. he was squatting and holding a cup while looking at a puddle, as if he were waiting for something with his little tongue peeking out of his lips in concentration.

amy made her way to him, taking small light steps making sure not to scare away whatever this boy was waiting for. she stood behind him on the wet floor and tapped his shoulder ever so lightly. when he turned to look at her with his eyebrows furrowed, she smiled at him causing him to do so in return.

"anata wa kaeru o mimasu ka?" he asked, obviously in japanese, which she couldn't understand yet. "uhm, i don't—" she stuttered, feeling a little shy that she couldn't understand the language.

"do you see a frog?" he spoke, his english sounding a little off, completely unaware of what just happened and how rosy her cheeks went. he barely looked at her to begin with, his eyes focused on the surroundings looking for said frog.

"uh, no, why are you looking for a frog?" she asked, pushing back her hair which fell over her forehead. "frogs are cool," he simply said in return, getting up from his squatting position and facing her.

"you have kimyōna kami— hair" he giggled, pulling at one of her curls and watching how it bounced.

"kimkoka kaki?" she repeated, her voice filled with pure confusion, butchering his words.

"weird hair, stupid," he giggled again, spilling some water from the cup he was holding. "why no japanese?" he asked, weirded out at how she didn't speak any of the language.

"me and mama came here away from dad, i'm am— from america," she stated with a nod of her head, confidence radiating from her posture.

the boy didn't fully understand what she meant, so he just nodded like she did, then said "georgy," putting out his hand for her to shake.

"what?" she questioned, glancing at his hand.
"my name.. isuh geogy," he smiled again.

"uhm, amy." she stated, not sure of how to pronounce his name, slowly shaking his wet and slightly muddy hand which was a bit bigger than hers.

she gasped as her eyes caught a small frog leap from one rock to another behind george, "jo- geo- ugh, look!" she turned him around to look at the frog, causing him to let out a small scream as he ran across the wet land splashing everything in his way, "come on!" he yelled back at amy, who perked up, and started running behind him, still careful not to get her pink overalls dirty.

after that, they'd met up everyday after school, looking for frogs and other small creatures they could put in a cup then release a while later.

and that was the birth of their friendship, which would go years from then, leading them to the most unexpected.


wowowow look at me writing actual stories n stuff damn son.

ok so i have like 6 chapters written already so i know where i'm going with this (sort of) and i hope i don't fail at this bc mans is motivated and that's some rare shit right there.

pls enjoy and vote bc that helps the motivation nnnnnn yeah hehe thank you for reading!!

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