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17 April 2018

Jaemin leisurely strolled through the halls of the school building. No one except for a few custodians had arrived yet, but that was normal.  It had become a regular thing for him to show up early in the morning; so common that the cleaners knew to unlock the backdoor for him.

He enjoyed these early morning walks; they gave him a chance to carefully observe details other people normally wouldn't notice.  Like how the fire alarms were strategically placed near key points in the school, such as the cafeteria, main office, and exits. 

This wasn't the reason he came so early though.  Jaemin came to escape.  Everyday he would set his alarm for five a.m., and leave his house no later than 6:15.  It gave him thirty to forty-five minutes everyday to pace the school.

He came because he hated sitting across from his parents during breakfast, listening to them ramble on about their plans for him.  How they constantly emphasized how important it was to maintain high grades and enroll in all the health science classes he could.

Jaemin didn't hate his parents, he hated what they made him do and how they made him feel.  How they acted as if everything was peachy when really Jaemin felt as if he'd fall apart any minute.  It was all too much, and he resented them for it.

Jaemin's walk was interrupted when the lights came on, indicating the school was open, and students would be arriving any minute. The crowd of kids pushed past him while he made his way to the front entrance of the school to meet his best friend, Jeno.

Jaemin had met Jeno last year. Jeno seemed quiet and secretive which only made Jaemin want to befriend him more. He had planned out how to approach him for weeks, finally gathering the courage one day and sitting next to him at lunch.

Flashback: 23 January 2017

Jaemin mentally prepared himself for humiliation before entering the bustling lunchroom. He spotted Jeno sitting beside his friend, Haechan. Everyone knew Haechan wasn't his real name, but it had become a nickname that everyone accepted.

Jaemin sat down on the other side of Jeno, leaving a reasonably sized space between them. Jeno didn't acknowledge him, and continued talking.

Halfway through lunch, Jaemin knew he had to do something if his plan was going to work.

He didn't do anything.

Jaemin didn't give up there though, he continued sitting in the same spot for the next week. Everyday he received no reaction, but everyday he tried again. He started to consider giving up and considering Jeno a lost cause.

Until on a Tuesday (January 31st, Jaemin remembered exactly), Haechan spoke up.

"What's your name?"

Jaemin looked up suddenly, shocked to hear someone finally speaking to him.

"Na Jaemin."

"Cool. I want your chocolate milk," Haechan said bluntly.

"Haechan!" Jeno hissed, "be polite."

"Oh sorry, I really want your chocolate milk." Jeno scoffed and slapped his friend's arm. "Fine. May I please have your chocolate milk?"

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