"Dad, I have something to tell you."
"What is it son?"
"I'm...I'm gay."
"You don't mind?"
"Of course not, I love you no matter what. Who you're attracted to doesn't matter in the slightest," he smiled reassuringly, before embracing me in a warm, loving hug.
And then I woke up.
How I wished dreams really could come true. Wistfully, I lay back in bed, wanting to fall back asleep into the idyllic world that I knew was purely fantasy. They say dreams are pockets of your subconscious-ness and it's true. Since I met Joaquin, it's been on my mind more and more...I need to come out to my dad.
I had no idea how though. My dad knows me inside out but this is who I am. If he doesn't accept me...my future kids will have no grandad, I'll have no one to walk me down the aisle, I won't be able to just pick up the phone and talk, and all the other little things that this decision will determine. Right now it doesn't matter, about the future - I know that - but it will do, but at the same time I need to be true to myself. When did life get so fucking complicated?
But this would be the day. I'd been mentally preparing myself for this moment since my Dad met Joaquin for the first time. It had only been briefly but he'd acted so awkwardly around him and I couldn't figure out why; there's no way he could possibly know that he's my boyfriend. I don't think anyone knows I'm gay. Not even Betty, Veronica, Jughead or Archie - and they know everything. Especially Betty, she's basically the town's detective.
I rolled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom where I showered quickly, did my hair and then got dressed into a basic shirt and jeans. I was already running a little late for school so I had to get dad to give me a ride; something I'd usually hate doing but I had no time to get the bus as it had already gone.
I arrived in class just as the bell went, to my teacher looking at me disapprovingly. Hastily, I sat down at my desk and dug my books out my bag. I glanced at the board, 'ELECTROLYSIS', great. I hated chemistry at the best of times but this particular subject I could never get my head around. This was not going to be a good day.
It only got worse from there. Betty was off sick and Veronica had stayed off to 'look after' her as Betty's parents were out of town for some newspaper conference thing. Honestly, I think there's something going on with them, the way they look at each other, how they talk about one another... I'm not sure, us boys always kid them about it but I think there's more to it than that.
All through the day I just couldn't concentrate, the dream played over and over in my mind, telling me what I needed to do. When it got to the end of day, I ended up walking out by myself to see Joaquin waiting for me on his motorbike outside the school gates. He grinned and signalled me to come over.
"What are you doing?" I hissed furiously.
"Babe, chill, I just thought it would be nice to, well, give you a ride? That's not weird right?" He looked apologetic and I instantly felt bad.
"You're right, of course you're right. I'm sorry Joey (my nickname for him), I guess I'm just scared of everything still."
"That's ok, I've been there myself so I understand. Now, are you getting on this damn bike?"
"Of course," I smiled back, before clambering on behind him.
He drove slower than usual, just for me, but by Joaquin's standards that's really not saying much. We pelted exhilaratingly through the streets as I clung on for dear life, my arms snaked around his front. Finally, we stopped outside my house - I knew my dad was going to be at work until much later so the coast was guaranteed clear; plus we lived in a pretty secluded area.
As we walked hand in hand through the front door, we came face to face with none other than my father. My father. How the hell was I going to explain this? I slowly unwound my fingers from Joaquin's and let my hands hang at my sides awkwardly.
"Kevin, what's going on?" His slightly gruff voice sliced through the tension.
"Um nothing?"
"This your friend, Joaquin?"
"And this is what friends do now, hold hands?"
"I don't know."
"Kevin...come with me."
He gestured towards his office which was a couple rooms down from the hall. Nervously, I glanced back at Joaquin who was clearly very uncomfortable and twirling a strand of his hair repeatedly. Dad tugged at my arm impatiently.
"I'm sure your boyfriend can survive a couple of minutes without you,"
"He's not my boyfrie-"
"Save it Kevin."
He lead me into his office.