After so many delays and incidents involving new threats and new surprises, the team finally begins the search for the first jewel, which is located somewhere in Carnell valley.
15 iron racers scoured the valley for the jewel's location, and when the team met up for lunch, nothing had been found. "So no one found anything?" "No, wherever that jewel is, its pretty well hidden to have evaded us." "What about the jewel reading?" "Nothing, it must be cloaked or something." "Well, it can't hide forever."
Somewhere nearby, a lava monster, and a ice monster beamed in with a truckload of lava lizards and chillers. They had a perfect view of Carnell valley from the mountaintop. "Ah, California, where dreams of being movie stars come true, great place to hide a jewel." They advanced down the hill.
An hour later, the team finally found the entrance. "Casey to all iron avengers, the entrance has been found." "Great, everyone join up at Casey's location." A few minutes later, Casey was still waiting when the two monsters showed up. "Well well well, what do we have here?" "A single little girl by the looks of it." "Ha, step aside girly, we don't want to hurt you." "Funny, I want to destroy you." "Oh yeah? What can a lone damsel like you do to us?" "It's morphing time! Super iron mode, activate!" She suited up. "Super iron mode, ready!" "What?!" "A super iron avenger! Destroy her!" The monster army charged, intent on gaining access to the temple. Casey activated her kyber bow and began swinging and shooting. Normally the monsters would've been defeated within moments, but since she was fighting them all by herself, she wasn't doing so good. "Ha ha ha, without your friends, you're quite powerless aren't you." All of a sudden, several laser bolts came out and hit multiple monsters, taking them down. "Surprise, sorry we're late, but someone forgot to send us an invitation to the party." The rest of the team had arrived. "It's morphing time!" "Super iron mode, activate!" The rest of the team suited up. "Super iron mode, ready!" "Oh goodie, more people to destroy." Suddenly, another surprise came charging in, in the form of a giant orange creature. "The jewel's guardian! The oviraptor zord" The monsters recognized it instantly for what it was. "What, where did it come from?" Jarvis came on com. "It appears to be the oviraptor zord, a dinozord built around the same time as the jewel was hidden." "Capabilities?" "It's tail is like a crossbow that fires powerful energy bows, and it appears to have the technology to cloak anything it wants to." "That's why the scanner didn't pick up the jewel, it was cloaked by the oviraptor zord." While the conversation was happening, the oviraptor zord was kicking some serious monster butts. Before it could finish off the two monsters, they grew up to its level. "Why do they always want more?" Jeremy got on com. "Jarvis, zord repair status update." "All dinozords are fully functional again." "Perfect, send them through." Jeremy opened a bridge for the dinozords, who came charging out at full speed. The oviraptor eyed them. It roared a roar that sounded like it was happy to have backup. "Alright dinos, let em have it." All 15 dinozords unleashed their full power on the two monsters, completely annihilating them. "Yes." "Ha, it's good the have the dinozords back."
The team has located the first jewel, and a new friend, will it lead them to the first jewel? Stay tuned.
To be continued.