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"Cali!". "What?!". The teachers yell brung me back to reality. I couldnt  stop thinking about that girl. Who is she? Where did she come from? The bell rang. I ran through the crowd so the teacher wouldn't see me, and stop me, and scold me. I ran to my locker to pass time. I heard her. My head turned so fast I almost got whiplash and then I saw her. Long, strawberry blonde hair, oversized hoodie, sad look in her eye. That was her. I stood and gazed at her, admiring every detail. I needed to know her name. I ran over to where she was but she walked into class before I could get to her. I read the notebook before she left. In scratchy handwriting it read "Emily Valentine". Valentine? Thats strange. She looked strange, after all. Her eyes told me that she didn't feel that she belonged, that she was lost and didn't know where to go. The same way mine used to look. I felt something tap my shoulder. I turned on my heels to see my World History teacher gazing at me with a look that said he thought I was ignorant and annoying. "Ms. Bonham, I believe you have my class now. Correct?" I nodded. "Obviously you don't want to be there so, you can have a great time in detention" he ripped a piece of paper that said "detention" and gladly handed it to me. I would be happy, if I could get rid of me too. I walked through the halls. I kept re-playing her face. Was she wondering about me? I guess not. Why would she wonder about me.

I am nothing to wonder about.

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