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3 hours and 15 minutes into the Purge

"You doing okay man?" Yoongi placed a hand on his friend's wide shoulder. It took a moment for Seokjin to respond with a simple 'yes.' After that he stared out the window at the slow drizzle of rain on his window. The little droplets of water that smeared along the glass, blown back by the speed of the vehicle. It reminded him of something, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

His mind felt like a foggy forest. It's misty air was so thick he couldn't see what was in front of or behind him. He stood there in the white air, with nothing to go to and no way of getting anywhere. It was absolutely maddening.

"Do you remember when Namjoon got his driver's license and we all piled into his dingy little car to drive out to the empty parking lots," Jimin started, eyes still focused on the road.

Of course Seokjin couldn't remember... at least not completely. After a small pause Jimin continued on with his storytelling.

"The car was so small, it was a miracle that we all survived... I mean Taehyung was practically out of the window." There was a small break in the story as the three around Seokjin chuckled at the memory. "And weren't you on the floor in the back, Yoongi?"

"Yeah, Hoseok kept shoving his heels into my gut," Yoongi grumbled. Hoseok began to laugh lightly before Yoongi reached over and lightly punched his right shoulder.

"Where did I sit?" Seokjin asked quietly.

"You sat in the passenger seat like you are now," Jimin gestured next to him. Seokjin then closed his eyes to piece everything together. He would ask the other three questions and clarify different points until he got a good picture to start off with.

Namjoon was about to turn seventeen and liked to wear thin chain necklaces. Yoongi was already seventeen and coming out of his emo phase. At the time his hair was still spiked up and he would always wear black. Hoseok, also seventeen had to be dragged into the car because he was very nervous of new drivers. As a joke Jungkook gave him his seatbelt so Hoseok was buckled in twice. Jungkook was just about to finish his freshman year and at the time wanted to be as much like Namjoon as possible. He too was wearing a thin chain and he was wearing his signature red cap. Jimin was adorable with soft cheeks and bowl cut. He was already dancing a lot and many of the boys teased him for it but Jimin likes to think they were all lowkey jealous. Taehyung was continuously struggling with family life and would normally talk to Jimin alone about it. But when all seven of them were together he became the life of the party, everyone adored him and it was one of the few places Taehyung felt truly loved. Seokjin was eighteen and had been dealing with his memory for two years. It started off slowly, but at this point it was starting to gain steam. Even so, the group accepted him and were determined to remind him of all of these moments, Jimin even took to writing them down for him. To this day they have all kept their promise.

"We snuck out, and I think it was a Friday. Originally we were going to go to a friend's party but we said 'screw that' and drove to the empty parking lots at the edge of the city. It was great because the roads were empty, and we took the long route with the highway just for the hell of it. Taehyung was so far out the window that his shirt was violently flapping in the wind and he eventually told us he was going to climb onto the roof." Jimin's words painted a splendid picture for Seokjin to follow.

"I had to practically pull him down into the car so he wouldn't hurt himself," Hoseok said frantically.

"It was legendary," Yoongi smirked.

"It was TERRIFYING," Hoseok said in shock. Jimin then continued to speak, somewhat ignoring the miniature battle occurring in the back seat.

"Once we got to the lots, Jungkook and Tae scrambled to the top of the car and stared out towards the city and up at the stars. The sky that night was amazing. We were just enough distance away from the city that the lights didn't interfere with the constellations. And only a few clouds dotted the sky. Namjoon turned up the volume on the car radio and we sat there, listening to some alternative music. Eventually we were all sitting on or around the car staring up at the universe... It was so surreal and so beautiful." Jimin almost lost himself in memory. "We would have slept out there if it didn't start raining. Some clouds eventually rolled in and it began to drizzle. Some of us wanted to stay there in the rain but it started to rain harder so we thought it would be best to head home. Driving on the highway in the rain was great. Even though Namjoon wanted to keep his crappy car looking somewhat nice, we all opened our windows to let the rain in. Everyone was soaked by the time we got back to Namjoon's place. We all dried off and slept over in his family basement. I think we watched three movies that night. It was a very memorable time for all of us."

Everyone sat there in silence soaking in the words that lingered in the air.

"Youth," Seokjin finally broke the silence.

"Yeah," Jimin said with a smile. "Youth."

. . .

Hey guys! It's been a hot minute since I posted last. And by a hot minute I mean WAYYYY too long. Thank you so much for all of the support you have been giving me, it truly makes my day! So don't be afraid to leave comments! I love reading them.

ALSO! Over 5k reads. THAT IS UNBELIEVABLE! Thank you all for reading and sticking with me. I do hope to get my life on track and provide more content for you guys! ^-^ Have a lovely rest of your day, night, or morning!

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