One Intimate Day

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This was one of my favorite parts of the story. i thought about just keeping the exact original words and format. I hope everyone enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's was a beautiful day. Goemon and I were out shopping in town. We were having a hard time fining a specific kimono that he has spotted a few weeks earlier. What made the process even harder was that he he purposely avoided providing  any details, rendering my searching basically useless. 

"Could you at least tell me the color or pattern?" I implored.

"Hm... I'm not sure..." he muttered, probably without even caring what I'd ask.

"Hmph!" I pouted, resenting my own uselessness. "Well, if I can't help look for it , then why did you even bring?!" I crossed my arms and halted in the middle of the street.

Goemon turned slowly, flashing that mischievous smile I knew so well. "Someone is throwing a temper tantrum?" He walked back and stared down at me reproachfully.

"I-I, uh, no... I'm just frustrated..." Damn, I lost my nerve. Feeling shy under his steady gaze, I looked at my feet.

"Oh yes you are," he chided and clucked his tongue. "Seems like you're asking for punishment..."

"Huh! Ah..." My eyes grew wide and I clutched at his sleeve. "No, Goemon, please! Not here..." He only ever had one type of punishment in mind when i disobeyed his direct order, and it usually included humiliating me. When we were alone and it was only him watching me, I didn't mind so much, feeling vulnerable, but in public...

"Hm, well I'll let it go... for now..."he frowned. And with that he slipped an arm around my waist and guided me into the next shop.

As we continued searching, I did my very best to be amicable and behave in hopes that he would forget about the whole thing.

"Here it is!" Goemon exclaimed. i look to see him holding up a gorgeous red and black kimono with gold trim.

"Um, Goemon, but that's a woman's kimono..." I bit my lip, suppressing a giggle.

He smiled coldly and walked toward me. then he leaned down close to my face and whispered, "Yes, you are a woman Sakura... last i checked." With that he reached a hand toward my chest and I slapped it away without thinking.


I clutched my own hand, realizing what I had done. Goemon, however, simply grinned. 

"First a tantrum, then ingratitude, now insolence? Oh, yes , i must punish you..." His voice was barely audible, but every word stuck in my mind. He brushed the hair back from my face, and I could only close my eyes as I blushed.

Finally, I managed to stammer, "I-I thought...that...we were shopping for you..."

"Well, I wanted to surprise my beautiful wife with a gift. I never dreamed that she'd be so ungrateful."

I tearfully looked up at him, sincerely sorry for my behavior.

"There, there, my love" he patted my head.

After purchasing the kimono, we headed back home down the street.

"I'm getting kind f tired," Goemon said as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"It's not like you to get tired so easily," I responded. 

"It's because you wouldn't let me sleep last night," he said with a chuckle.

"Wha...!" I gasped. His words made me turn bright red. "What are you talking about?" I whisper with the hiss. "You're the one who was being rowdy..."

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