Lets just be together forever

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I went upstairs

And looked through my closet for a simple dress

I kept looking intel I found the perfect dress

It was a light colored purple dress it's my and Grayson's favorite color

I then applied makeup to give me a fresh look

* concealer, mascara, lipgloss, blush, and highlight*

And wore brown sandals
I looked at myself and I forgot to do my hair


I just put my hair down because it had some natural waves

Iam finally done I sat on my bed and I heard my phone buzzing

Grayson❤️: hey beautiful, Iam out

Me: okee ❤️

I ran down and opened the door and saw Grayson standing with a purple rose in his hand

"Aww Gary that's so sweet!" I said blushing

"Anything for you princess let's go"he said smiling

We hopped in the car and Grayson started driving

I took I aux cord and connected it to my phone

I put it on shuffle mode
The first song that popped was "power by little mix"

We started singing and laughing at the same time

"So Gray, were are we going?"
He ignored me and kept staring at the road

"Umm okay I'll take that as I won't tell you" I said in a manly voice

He started smiling and still ignoring me

After few minutes

"Sel we are here!" He said all excited

I looked around and found a beautiful lake with a blanket and a small basket

I grabbed Grayson's hand and started walking

"Grayson that's so sweet!"
I said while looking inside the basket I found some sandwiches and muffins a lot of them

We kept talking and had fun

"Sel i want you to know how much I love you and adore you will you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously

I looked at him and gave him a hug and started smiling crazily
"I'll take that as a yes!"

Not long cause iam not in the mood 🙃

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