Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I woke up as i felt the sunlight stroked into my eyes. I got up and wore my light blue slippers beside my bed. I stood, stretched my arms and jumped two times for me to make sure that im really awake and not dead.

Another day. Another pain. Another wait.

Oh tomorrow is my flight back to Korea. I decided to live there till i die and i don't even know what I'm feeling that im going to the place i really wanted to go. Should i be happy that after how many years i'm finally going there or should be nostalgic that im going to die anyways.

I'll go to Louvre Museum here in France so i took a bath and wear comfy clothes.

As i stepped out of the hotel i felt the wind slapped my face. I should have bought a scarf or wore a sweater. But I'm too tired and shouldn't make myself tired to go up again in 6th floor just to get it. I shrugged and continue to walk in the streets of France, enjoying my last day in this country.

I love to travel different places. This month i went to Sweden, Italy, Spain, Germany and London. One week every country. I think i traveled 'most' of the countries in Asia and a 'few' in North America and now Europe is my target, but of course i cant travel Europe in a month.

I think i got this from my mom. I mean how i love to go to different places, she also named me Sydney, which is a place too and i thank my mom for my wonderful name. She also died with the same disease i have.


The museum was totally awesome!!! As in! The best museum i've been through so far.

I went back to the hotel and fixed my things and i also made sure nothing's missing. I peeked into the window, I can see the city full of lights it's really fascinating when it's night everything is just wonderful.

I sat at the end of the bed and played with my hands thinking how my dad is right now. It's Father's day tomorrow.

I left him with a note written 'Sorry dad. I want to travel Europe this month before I die. Sorry again, i didnt even say goodbye personally, and you know i really hate dramas and im sure you'll stop me from leaving. Next month i'll just live in Korea till i die. Be happy dad because finally i'll be with mom!! Dont worry, i'll always be beside you. Always. Love you'

I hate dramas but did i just-- ok nevermind. I love my dad because he really cared for me when mom left us. He taught me how to be strong, which im very thankful for teaching me how to be one.


I was walking at the airport while pulling my suitcase when a boy suddenly stepped backward, so basically i bumped into him that i dropped my suitcase and made my shoulder bag fall and almost lost my balance because he's to hard that i thought i bumped into a wall but thankfully he held me.

"Im so sorry, are you okay?" the boy said really worried, still holding my arms.

I stood up straight that made him remove his hands in my arms and fixed myself.

"it's okay" i said and half-smiled. Then he went behind me to pick my suitcase and bag.

"I should accompany you then. Where are you heading right now?" He asked. He looked embarrassed.

"Oh no need, tha-" he cut me off when i tried to reach for my suitcase and bag.

"I insist" he said and smiled whole-heartedly.

"oww im just finding a seat" i said

"Ok, then let's find one" he said, still smiling and walked to find a seat as he said.

is it vacation or something? There are so many people. Almost all seats are taken.

"I'll just bring my bag" i said while walking. Because duh he's pulling two suitcases and has shoulder bags in both of his shoulders

"It's okay. Let me" he said smiling, again. Ohgod damn can you freaking stop smiling or else- or else---- UGH.

"There! There are 2! Woah lucky" he said and looked at me like he's saying 'c'mon let's seat?'

We're waiting now and sitting awkwardly. I don't know but i can sense that the atmosphere is awkward.

"ah s-sorry again for earlier" he said shyly while scratching the back of his head.

"i said it's okay, i didn't get hurt so yeah. And thanks for bringing my suitcase and my bag"

"No problem!" He said smiling even bigger i mean you know, wider than before, that you cant even see his eyes anymore. Please. He needs to stop smiling. I mean it's not bad smiling but-- i-- NEVERMIND.

Silence again and by that I mean awkward atmosphere again.

"If i may ask, Where are you going?" He started the convo again,

"to korea" I answered not able to look in his eyes.

"Me Too!!" He said happily while clapping his hands.

Oh noh. Cant he be-- no. Sydney no. Dont.

"Aw really? What's the time of your flight?" i asked


"Mine's 3" i simply answered

"OMG! Aww it's more fun if we have the same flight !" He pouted. Wait, pouted???

Im so sorry to judge but-- but is he gay??? He cant be!! He's so handsome!! Oh y-yeah he is. He has a white complexion, nice nose, sparkling eyes, thin lips, he's tall, he's hair is fixed up so in other words ,he's charming. So i think he's not, ohgod im so bad to think this thing!

"A-are you okay?" He asked

I snapped out of reality.

"A-ah yes i am, im just feeling bad that we'll dont have the same flight, by the way why are you so early?"

"I dont know? I think im just excited to see my family"

"Aww im sure you miss them"

"So much."

We talked a lot of things and he's so talkative that i cant even tell my story.

"Seoul, Korea. A~~ blah. Blah blah." We heard the announcer said.

"So i need to go. Thanks for the time. I hope we meet somewhere, someday, sometime in korea, bye!!" I waved goodbye using my right hand as i hold the handle of the suitcase with my left hand then fixed the shoulder bag in my shoulder.

He also waved back and gave me his best smile.

Dug. Dug. Dug.

Oh Em Gee, what am I feeling? Is my disease getting worse?



She's so beautiful. How she smiles makes me crazy that sometimes i trail off

She's even nice and sweet.



I see her near the tube (the way to the plane) but will i still catch her when i run?

I just found myself running. I ran faster as I saw the guard bowed his head and saw in his mouth that he said 'Have A Safe Flight'

Should i shout her na- damn i don't even know her name!!

"He-" i stopped before i scream and also stopped running when she already entered the tube.

Im so stupid! I didnt even ask her name!!


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Aloooo~~ hope you support my story till the end!! If you have opinions, you wanna be friends with me, comments, you want a dedication just tweet me !! @souqorean c; that would be all!!! Thank you!!!


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