Chapter one: Im so white it's like im my own race

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I've always been very strict with myself. I schedule my day efficiently and leave nothing important out. It makes my life easy if I plan and plan and and plan some more. I have to have my thoughts written out to think straight. My mom always called me a worry wort, but maybe it's her fault I'm like this. She's the most disorganized person I've ever known.

When I was 6 she was deemed unworthy to raise me. I didn't understand why back then I only knew I wasn't going to be with my mommy anymore. I learned later it was because my mother is a hoarder. Her house was crowded with furniture, useless items, paper, and garbage.

When I was taken from her, the social worker had to clime over mountains of filth to find me.

My father was forced to take me in. he was remarried by then and had started a new family with Emma. Emma is my "mom" that I grew up with but I knew she wasn't my real mom.

My father is a very serious, he doesn't joke around. The one thing he swore to do right by me it take me to church with him. He's a Mormon. He and Emma had twin girls and was the picture of a perfect little Mormon family. Then I came along. My father didn't want anything to do with his past life including me. It was Emma that forced him to let me stay.

Even though she wasn't my mom she was the closest I ever got to one. I could see why my dad loved her she was the opposite of his first wife. Loving, sweet, and was the type of person who lit up the room when she walked in. Emma was also very beautiful.

Genetics had been kind to me fortunately . I took after my mom who was a very short woman. I stopped growing at 5'6'', with dark brown hair it was almost mahogany with soft curls and I have bright blue eyes. I had one of those heart shaped faces.

Growing up with my new strict Mormon family I was raised in the church and baptized when I was 8. I grew up in one of the many wards in Salt lake city, Utah. There were church buildings on every corner in Salt Lake. Ward boundaries are defined by neighborhoods. All the Mormons who lived in one was a ward.

I grew up learning the morals of the church and yes I only have one mom and my dad only has one wife. Emma's daughters Abby and Allison are identical twins with two very different personalities. Abby was very out spoken and liked to be in control, but Allison was more of a go with the flow type of person. She was very easy going and sweet. Abby was nice to but when she couldn't control the situation she started to turn into a monster. They're 14 and starting to not go anywhere without make up on, not that they need it. They were fortunate to and took their looks after Emma.

My dad isn't bad looking or anything but everyone is confused how he was ably to score two woman way out of his league, my mom and Emma. My dad was very tall he was well over 6'7'' and had to duck under most door ways. he had sandy blond hair with pale green eyes.

It was always boiling hot in the summer and the sun was blindingly of the time. Salt Lake City was in the middle of the dessert with extreme winters and summers. Even with all the sun I was very pale. I couldn't tan! I was so white it's like I'm my own race. If I tried to tan I just burned, I turned bright red every summer. Like a tomato.

When I learned we were moving to Oregon my junior year in high school I couldn't have been more excited. I needed the new start, to be away from everyone who knew me from the the I moved in with my dad.

Away from all the people who called me little orphan Annie because my mom was unfit to raise me an my dad didn't want me.

I hoped junior year would be a great year for me. I could make new friends and not worry about people who thought I didn't belong in the picture perfect Mormon family. My father wanted everyone to think our family was perfect and if not including me in the family christimas photo helped make that possible he'd do it, and he did several times when Emma couldnt convince him otherwise. I've learned to live with it. I was regected by him all my life. I know it's not my fault he left my mom but when he treats me like this i cant help think it was me that drove him away.

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