Arial's POV

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As we arrived at the wonderful, Starbucks, Kylee went and got our drinks, the usual ofcourse. For her, a hot chocolate and for me a chocolate latte. And yes, they do exist. I went to find a table, but sadly there were none left. Kylee and i would just have to go and sit at a park or something. Just as she got to me with our drinks, her mouth hung open.

"Kylee.....Kylee!" i said while swinging my hand over her mouth.

"!" she said basically drooling.

"Where?? OMFG Kylee where!"

"Like right.....there" she was pointing to a group of boys at a nearby table. And boy were they gorgeous but one caught my eye. He was wearing a tank top, skinny jeans and vans and his hair was curly like Harry Styles. He was gorgeous. they must of caught us staring because they were ushering us over to them. It was like Kylee was drawn to them because she literally ran to them and started talking to them. 

"Hiiiiii" she said flirtatiously.

"Hi" the brown haired boy replied.

"hehehe, im Kylee and this is my twin Arial."

"Well hi, im Calum, thats Luke, Michael, Ashton and Cameron. Do you guys wanna sit with us?"

"Uh sure" i repied. I went to sit next to Cameron, the guy who caught my eye when we noticed them.

"Hi" he said sexily.

"Hi" i was quite shy, when usually i am very confident.

"I like your hair" he said stroking my brown with blonde streak long, curly hair. 

"Heh, thanks, i like yours too" i was smiling so wide and he was too.

I might get along well with this 'Cameron'.

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