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Jungkook wasn't excited, but the day started with him feeling nerve wracking. As a student who's treated like an outcast in the campus, he wasn't fond of going to college, even with special occasions. Jungkook went to college without talking to anyone, he sits down at the very back and listens to the lecture attentively while jotting down notes like how typical students does, but what differs for him is that there's a visible line between him and everyone that he purposely drew to keep their curiosity away from him.

With the rumors that he's working as a stripper, he's had it tough with the endless whispers and gossips people would make when he's spotted. To avoid complex situations, he does not respond whenever his name is called outside the classroom. If he feeds onto their curiosity, he'll be kicked out of the university for doing an inappropriate part time job, because the news would spread in a flash.

People would insist to make him talk about his self, and whether the rumors are real or not, but with the consistent ignoring he makes, their initiations seemed to stop, though another one was made as they conclude he's an asshole for ignoring people.

He makes his way for the enrollment, and people would sneak glances on him, followed by obvious whisperings. Jungkook walked past by them, he has grown used to dealing with it.

Jungkook stops walking when his path is blocked by a person, he recognized the person as the principal's secretary. A smile spreads to her lips as soon as their eyes meet, and Jungkook wasn't feeling great about it.

"The principal needs to talk to you, Mr. Jeon. She needs you to stop by her office."

His bad feeling now grows stronger, "O-okay... I'll go."

"I was on my way to have your name announced on the speakers, thankfully I found you right away."

It was awfully strange to Jungkook why the principal's secretary is aware of how he looked like, for her to be able to recognize him right away. Jungkook hates how he's currently in paranoia, and his gut feeling tells him that his thoughts are correct. He's been caught red-handed about his job. The rumor had spread around before the semester started, probably, the reason why they have kept their eyes on him for confirmation.

He obediently follows to avoid ruckus and wishes everything would be fine.


The eerie around the principal's office was greatly petrifying to Jungkook. The principal was smiling but, deep down Jungkook doesn't like the motive under that faux expression. "Hello, Jeon Jungkook, right?" She says with her eyes on him.

"Yes, ma'am..."

"I'll be straightforward with you because I have a pending meeting to attend, and I hope you understand."

Jungkook nods in reply and that was enough for her to proceed again, "You're already aware of the rumors I presume? The rumors about you."

His heart beats loudly in his chest at this very moment.

"I had someone to check to confirm if it was real," She pulls a photo out of her desk and slides it towards Jungkook using her index finger for him to see, "And It was real."

The photo showed of Jungkook inside the bar, thankfully he's wearing his decent attire, but that doesn't escape from the fact that he's unmistakably a stripper, as he exchanges lustful gaze with the customer. His buttons are already halfway undone, and the man's hand were on his hips. He still vividly remembers that day, the customer was drunk, and it was one of the bar's policy to entertain customers to avoid commotions, by complying to their said favors. Drunk customers have tendencies to create chaos within the bar and it was something they wanted to avoid at all cost.

The CEO's Prostitute || VKook ✔ (Under Major Editing & Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now