chapter 1- sam finds noah

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Sam p.o.v

It was a cold winters night and I was on patrol making sure that there were no bloodsuckers around, it was very difficult to run as there was snow that looked like a white blanket on the ground and also lots of slippery ice which is what I hate but then again I do have an advantage for when it comes to cold weather, I am a werewolf so I can easily use my body heat to keep me warm I also have thick jet black fur.

It was almost midnight there was a nice clear sky tonight so all you could see was the dazzling stars beaming in the midnight sky and the full moon, I was on my way back home to swap patrols as it's now Paul's turn to take over when I hear a small whimper luckily I have good hearing because I don't think a human would have been able to hear it it was that quiet, I sniffed the air and smelt a sweet scent of a newborn baby, I followed the scent to then find a small baby who looked no older than a month laid there in the freezing cold, he had nothing but a thin blanket on him I felt sorry for the poor child, my Wolf kept saying to help the baby but I wasn't too sure what if it was a trap? , I thought for a while and ended up giving in and grabbed it gently in my mouth and ran home to get him home.

When I got home I managed to sneak into the house without anyone else knowing I crept upstairs and laid the baby down I then phased back into my human form and put some boxers and shorts on, I  examined  the baby, his skin was as cold as ice to the point his lips were blue, he had short blonde hair and tanned looking skin, he was very skinny and covered in scars this made me growl at the fact someone had hurt the poor lad, I roamed around the room looking for some baby clothes and found the clothes we had bought for our son who sadly passed away, I shed out a tear at the thought of my son but let it pass through,  I picked up the small baby and checked it's gender to find out it was a baby boy, I then warmed him up by laying him on my chest, after he was warm enough I put some clothes on him, I held him for what felt like forever, he then let out a small cry I listened to the cry and found out that he was hungry.

I managed to sneak downstairs and make him a bottle of milk I was about to go upstairs when I heard emily call " sam is that you?", I sighed in relief knowing it wasn't one of the boys and replied " yes hunny it is I'm just of to bed I'm very tired", so she came over and said goodnight then I rushed upstairs and gave the baby the bottle, whilst I was sat there watching the baby gulp down the milk hungrily I didn't notice emily had came into the room until I heard her gasp, "where did you get that baby and why didn't you tell me about this" she said quite annoyed at the fact I didn't tell her, "I found him in the woods I couldn't just leave him there so I bought him home I didn't wanna tell you because I thought you would turn him away", her eyes suddenly  softened as she walked over to me and kissed me, "I would never turn a baby away you should know that yes I'm still mourning over our sons death but doesn't mean I won't help this one" she replied, I smiled and held the baby out to her she smiled and took over, when out of the blue the baby opened his little eyes, all you could see was his bright blues eyes staring up at you, he looked so adorable it was unreal, I straight away fell in love with him and knew I could just send him away so I asked the question I knew would shock her "can we adopt him and raise him as our own?".

At first emily was speechless but she then looked down at the baby and replied "yes I would really like that", my Wolf was howling with happiness, from now on this baby will be our son our boy our baby, "what you wanna name him?" I asked her, she looked at the baby's big Blue eyes and replied "noah his name will be noah Samuel Uley".

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