The Results

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Emily's p.o.v

It has been a week since noah had his bloods tested and he still doesn't like Sam for taking him there,  we are still waiting on the results and are a bit nervous as we don't know what he may be, but then we don't care what he is as long as he is healthy and happy that is all that matters, we have been in all day waiting for the phone call from doctor Carter as he said it would take up to a week to find out the results also we may find out what happened to his parents that's if they're still alive or not, noah is playing with seth at the moment as he has been very close to him recently but then again he's been very close to everyone, they all adore him dearly and whenever they have had any spare time they are always playing with him or helping Sam and I with putting him to sleep or keeping an eye on him, I still think seth is his favourite though as he spends most of his time with him but then again seth is only new to the whole werewolf stuff so he only does patrol 3 times a week.

I am just about to go and start lunch when the phone buzzes, I walk over and pick it up, "hello this is the  Uley household Emily speaking how may I help you", "hello miss young this is Doctor Carter are you noah uley' s mother" "yes it is, has this got to do with the results?" I say hope in my voice, " is sure is I must say its a complicated combination I've never ever came across a hybrid in all of my career and I've been a doctor for 27 years" he replies, I repeat the word hybrid in my head multiple times, "hello miss young you still there" he asks concerned, I snap out of my thought before replying " yeah sorry I was just a bit shocked, what exactly do you mean by a hybrid", "well it would be more easier if you came down to the hospital so we can talk in person to you that way I can explain it to you" he replies, I say a quick yes and goodbye before hanging up and taking a deep breath, "you OK cuz" asks seth, I look at him then at noah before replying "yeah in fine I just need to take noah to the pack doctor at The hospital so we can get his results", he nods before handing me noah, I go to the car and buckle noah into his baby carrier before driving of to the hospital.

Once we arrive I walk up to the registration desk and tell the woman at the desk that I'm here to see doctor Carter about noah's results, she tells me he will be with me in a moment so I sit down and wait patiently occasionally glancing at noah, doctor Carter appear at the doorway and asks me to follow him which I do, once I'm settled in my chair doctor Carter grabs a file from a file cabinet and sits opposite me, " right so as you know I've called you here today to show you the results of noah's blood test, now as I was saying on the phone he is a hybrid which Is very rare in this occasion, before you ask a hybrid is someone that is more than one species" he says before stopping to look at me to see if I understand, I nod at him to carry on " now the results of this test say that noah is a third human, a third vampire and a third werewolf, it says here that his mother was a human and his father was half vampire half werewolf", I look at his confused before asking " what do mean his parents was these breeds", " well the reason why he was left in the woods was because his father's pack which is a few mile away from your border was attacked by an enemy pack, the mother told his older sister to run with him it seems here that she went over the border to get away from some attackers and left him near the oak tree that Sam found him near in hope that they will chase after her and leave him be, turns out the parents died in the attack but the sister escaped and is on the run" he replies, " wait so he has a sister" I asked shocked at what I have just found out, he nods before showing me a small picture of a little girl no older than 12, she looked like a double of noah she has long blond hair with big blue eyes.

I was taken out of my thoughts when Doctor Carter said " her name is Mia Ann Douglas she had only just turned 12 when the attack happened" I nod and look back at the picture before looking at noah who is now sleeping peacefully in his baby carrier, "any questions" he asked, "erm seeing as he is a third vampire will he need any blood to drink" I reply looking at him,  " no not for now his vampire side won't come out until his 18 where as his wolf would usually come out about the age of 15 maybe 16" he says, I nod my head before thanking him and leaving dreading on what I'm gonna tell the pack what if they don't like him anymore or they kick him out just because his a third vampire, those questions  roam around my head the whole journey back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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